WIE (Women in Engineering) Affinity Group

Wie logo WIE (engl. Women in Engineering) predstavlja skupinu IEEE članica i članova koji su prepoznali i pridružili se nastojanju IEEE-a da inspirira, uključi, ohrabri i ojača stručni i društveni angažman žena - inženjerki i znanstvenica - širom svijeta. Ova interesna skupina raznovrsnim aktivnostima promovira žene u struci i podržava ih u razvoju stručne karijere.To je najveća međunarodna stručna udruga s takvim ciljevima. WIE sada ima više od 250 interesnih skupina širom svijeta s preko 11.000 članica i članova. 
Hrvatska WIE interesna skupina osnovana je 27. listopada 2009., ima 34 članice i člana, te 10 počasnih gošći, nositeljica "Zlatne diplome" FER-a.
Vodstvo skupine
Mandat do 31. 12. 2025.
Anamari Nakić
Martina Kutija

Odjel za menadžment u inženjerstvu i Interesna skupina Women in Engineering Hrvatske sekcije IEEE pozivaju Vas na predavanje:

Non visual access to mathematical contents

koje će održati prof. Silvia Berenice Fajardo Flores, University of Colima - Faculty of Telematics, Meksiko


u utorak, 4. listopada 2015. godine u Bijeloj vijecnici FER-a u 15.00 h.


Više o predavanju i predavačici pročitajte u nastavku obavijesti.


Studying mathematics and sciences in general remains a challenge for people with visual impairment. Students require to access, produce and communicate  mathematical contents, and to collaborate with sighted peers and teachers. Current digital devices and software applications allow students with visual impairment to access literary contents to a great degree, but the access to mathematical contents remains a work in progress. In this presentation we will review the issues in the access, edition and communication of non visual mathematical contents, as well as the current advances in software applications to support them.


Silvia Fajardo holds a Bs in Computer Systems Engineering by the Technological Institute of Colima, Mexico (1992-1997), a Masters degree in Information Technology by the Monash University, Australia (2002-2003), and a PhD in Computer Science by the University Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis (2010-2014). She is a full professor at the Faculty of Telematics of the University of Colima. Her research interests are educational technology, HCI and multimodal interfaces. She is currently working on the non visual access to mathematics.

Autor: Željka Car
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