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Published: 2007-03-11 at 14:12
IEEE Region 8 Student Branch Congress...

IEEE Student Branch Congress is the most important and the biggest student event in the Region 8. Every two years volunteers from all parts of the Region 8 meet to hang out, exchange ideas, represent their work and to learn something. This year the Congress took place in Paris from August 31st to September 3rd.

Croatia had 10 representatives at the Congress, we had a great time, lots of fun and we learned a lot...

Pictures from the Congress are available here

For more detailed report click "more"

Every two years at the IEEE Student Branch Congress Region 8 active volunteers and Student Branch leaders from Europe, Africa and part of the Asia meet to exchange ideas, have fun nad loearn how to increase membership value for own Student Branches.


Croatia had 10 representatives:

  • Croatian Section Representatives: Marko Delimar (Region 8 Vice-Chair), Aleksandar Szabo (Membership Development Officer)
  • Student Branch Zagreb: Darjan Bošnjak, Mario Keco, Damir Konjarek, Luka Lugarić, Ivan Matovina, Hrvoje Pandžić
  • Student Branch Rijeka: Zaviša Klobas
  • GOLD (Graduates Of the Last Decade): Krešimir Delač


Marko Delimar was one of the organizers of the Congress. Luka Lugarić and Damir Konjarek were moderators of the Student Workshops (more information).


Pictures from the Congress are available here, and here are only few of them:

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