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Published: 2007-04-03 at 13:02
Movie night : organized by IEEE...
On Tuesday, 14.11.2006, the movie Tesla - master of lightning was shown in the D1 auditorium. Attendance was excellent, D1 was filled with more people than during most lectures. About 150 people attended, mostly FER students, however, students from other faculties, such as agronomy, couldn't resist attending this spectacle either.
We hope you had a lot of fun and that you'll come again.
You can soon expect a somewhat more detailed report with pictures. Please continue visiting our web in search for cool new events that we are preparing for you.

Thank you all for coming, especially those who helped with the organization of this event.

Pictures added in the details!
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Published: 2007-04-15 at 21:02
Edited: 2007-04-15 at 21:03
Održan IEEEXtreme!

On December 2nd 2006, 1:00am, five xtreme programmers entered in room A210. Goal: participate in the most eXtreme programming contest this year - IEEEXtreme! For a whole day, 24 hours, without resting, they looked in their screens, giving their best to solve problems they were getting during the contest, together with other 64 teams from the whole world.

Team FER1 -  Ivan Miletić, Artur Šilić, Danijel Babić and team FER2 - Marijo Maračić and Igor Brkić, these are the ones that participated in the contest, first of that kind for student branch Zagreb.


Good work guys! For all of you reading this, few pics in detailed view... 

Igor Brkic
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Published: 2007-03-12 at 16:50
Akcija učlanjenja studenata u...
On Wednesday and Thursday (September 27th and 28th 2006.) in college lobby we organized membership promotion for FER students. Everything was more than succesfull. On that two days over 20 students joined IEEE and, what is also important, we created a great picture about who we are and what we represent. All of the 'new joined' students got welcome gifts.

You can see some more pictures in the detailed view.
Igor Brkic
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Published: 2007-03-11 at 14:12
IEEE Region 8 Student Branch Congress...

IEEE Student Branch Congress is the most important and the biggest student event in the Region 8. Every two years volunteers from all parts of the Region 8 meet to hang out, exchange ideas, represent their work and to learn something. This year the Congress took place in Paris from August 31st to September 3rd.

Croatia had 10 representatives at the Congress, we had a great time, lots of fun and we learned a lot...

Pictures from the Congress are available here

For more detailed report click "more"
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