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Spectrum is a monthly magazine for technology innovators, business leaders, and the intellectually curious. Spectrum explores future technology trends and the impact of those trends on society and business.


IEEE members receive Spectrum to their home address. For more details, visit http://www.spectrum.ieee.org



IEEE Potentials is the publication for future innovators. This award-winning magazine for up-and-coming electrical and computer engineers explores career strategies, the latest research and important technical developments. IEEE Potentials releases theories to practical applications and highlights technology's global impact.


All IEEE memebers can access the online edition of this magazine. Just visit http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=45



The Institute is the newspaper of the IEEE. Available monthly as a Web publication, it is mailed quarterly to all members of IEEE. The Institute informs IEEE members about important proffessional and tehnical activities. It reports about the actions of tehnical boards and the Executive Comitee and has a forum for a debate on controversial isuues concernig IEEE

