Predavanje: "Ten years of PULP:...

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Ten years of PULP: from IoT to HPC

koje će održati Luka Macan, mag. ing. u utorak, 31. listopada 2023. godine s početkom u 17.30 sati u prostorima Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva, predavaona D160.
Predavanje je otvoreno za sve zainteresirane, a posebno se pozivaju studenti. Jezik predavanja je engleski.

Životopis predavača i sažetak predavanja nalaze se u nastavku obavijesti.

Sažetak predavanja:

With the increasing number of applications across various sectors such as IoT, consumer electronics, industrial automation, automotive, and high-performance computing, computing systems leverage silicon IPs as fundamental building block for creating complex electronic systems. While the cost of accessing silicon has been decreasing due to the twilight of Moore's law, obtaining proprietary hardware IPs remains a significant obstacle for innovative start-ups and can also lead to supply chain challenges for larger companies. However, a recent surge in high-quality open-source hardware IPs offers a promising solution to overcome this barrier. These advancements pave the way for exciting applications in open-source electronics, potentially alleviating supply chain issues for global electronics system design companies. In this presentation, I will delve into the evolutionary journey of the open-source Parallel-Ultra-Low-Power (PULP) platform over the past decade exploring opportunities and challenges for next-generation open-source computing systems in a wide range of domains, from IoT to HPC. Furthermore, I will give an overview of the supporting software ecosystem needed to power this range of systems, with a closer look on the automated DNN deployment flow, which is the focus of my doctoral studies.

O predavaču:

Luka Macan graduated at FER, module Computer Engineering. He is currently getting his PhD degree at the University of Bologna in the group of prof. Luca Benini, the PULP team. The focus of his PhD are automatic deployment tools for embedded systems.

Autor: Lucija Petricioli
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