Odjel za robotiku i automatizaciju

Ovaj odjel zanima se za teme iz područja teorije i primjene robotike i automatizacije. Pod robotikom se ovdje prvenstveno podrazumijeva zanimanje za inteligentne strojeve i sustave korištene, na primjer, u istraživanju okoliša (podmorja, svemira), pružanju usluga ljudima, ili u naprednoj proizvodnji. Pod automatizacijom se prvenstveno podrazumijeva zanimanje za primjenu automatizacijskih metoda i postupaka u tvornicama, uredima, kućanstvima ili, na primjer, u transportnim sustavima s ciljem povećanja njihove djelotvornosti i produktivnosti.

Vodstvo odjela
Mandat do 31. 12. 2024.
Ivan Marković
Tamara Petrović

Poziv na predavanje:...

IEEE Hrvatska sekcija, Odjel za robotiku i automatizaciju, Studentski ogranak IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society,  IEEE Life Member Activity Group - Croatia i LABUST - Laboratory for Underwater Systems and Technologies u sklopu UWIN-LABUST projekta vas pozivaju na predavanje

"Intelligent and Networked Robots - Navigating into the Future"

koje će održati

dr. sc. Marco Bibuli, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto di Ingegneria del Mare, Genova, Italija.

Predavanje će se održati u ponedjeljak, 27. veljače 2023. godine u 16:00 sati u Sivoj vijećnici FER-a.

Predavanje se održava na engleskom jeziku i otvoreno je za sve zainteresirane.  

Životopis predavača i sažetak predavanja nalaze se u nastavku obavijesti.


The talk will initially focus on the design and exploitation of advanced guidance systems developed for single and multi-robot systems in the scope of marine applications, analyzing the transition towards AI-based control approaches that are currently arising. A practical standpoint will be further presented, reporting the experience of experimental campaigns where marine robots are needed to be more and more world-wide accessible, leading to the concept of networked robotic agents. The talk aims at sparking a discussion on future development methodologies and employment scenarios of marine robotic systems.

Brief bio:

Marco Bibuli received his Master degree in Information Technology engineering at the University of Genoa (Italy) in 2005. Since the same year, he joined the National Research Council of Italy, focusing his research activity on the design and development of navigation, guidance and control algorithms for marine surface vehicles and software architectures for supervision and mission control. In 2010 he obtained the PhD degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering, Robotics and Telecommunications. He is co-author of about one hundred international journal and conference publications. He is responsible of various National and European research projects and he participated in many experimental missions and campaigns.

Autor: Ivan Marković
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