WIE (Women in Engineering) Affinity Group

Wie logo WIE (engl. Women in Engineering) predstavlja skupinu IEEE članica i članova koji su prepoznali i pridružili se nastojanju IEEE-a da inspirira, uključi, ohrabri i ojača stručni i društveni angažman žena - inženjerki i znanstvenica - širom svijeta. Ova interesna skupina raznovrsnim aktivnostima promovira žene u struci i podržava ih u razvoju stručne karijere.To je najveća međunarodna stručna udruga s takvim ciljevima. WIE sada ima više od 250 interesnih skupina širom svijeta s preko 11.000 članica i članova. 
Hrvatska WIE interesna skupina osnovana je 27. listopada 2009., ima 34 članice i člana, te 10 počasnih gošći, nositeljica "Zlatne diplome" FER-a.
Vodstvo skupine
Mandat do 31. 12. 2025.
Anamari Nakić
Martina Kutija

Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in...

"Collaborating Across Boundaries"

The Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing is a series of conferences designed to bring the research and career interests of women in computing to the forefront. Presenters are leaders in their respective fields, representing industrial, academic and government communities. Leading researchers present their current work, while special sessions focus on the role of women in today's technology fields, including computer science, information technology, research and engineering.

The annual conference is the world's largest gathering of women in computing. This year's theme, "Collaborating across Boundaries," recognizes the significant role women play in using technology to work together across various borders including gender, scientific, social, geographical, racial and political. Scheduled keynote speakers are 2008 ACM Turing Award winner Barbara Liskov, Duy-Loan Le of Texas Instruments, and Carol Bartz, Yahoo! CEO. Registration opens June 1.

Past Grace Hopper Celebrations have resulted in collaborative proposals, networking, mentoring, and increased visibility for the contributions of women in computing. 

Autor: Srebrenka Ursić
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