WIE (Women in Engineering) Affinity Group

Wie logo WIE (engl. Women in Engineering) predstavlja skupinu IEEE članica i članova koji su prepoznali i pridružili se nastojanju IEEE-a da inspirira, uključi, ohrabri i ojača stručni i društveni angažman žena - inženjerki i znanstvenica - širom svijeta. Ova interesna skupina raznovrsnim aktivnostima promovira žene u struci i podržava ih u razvoju stručne karijere.To je najveća međunarodna stručna udruga s takvim ciljevima. WIE sada ima više od 250 interesnih skupina širom svijeta s preko 11.000 članica i članova. 
Hrvatska WIE interesna skupina osnovana je 27. listopada 2009., ima 34 članice i člana, te 10 počasnih gošći, nositeljica "Zlatne diplome" FER-a.
Vodstvo skupine
Mandat do 31. 12. 2025.
Anamari Nakić
Martina Kutija

8. ožujak - Međunarodni dan žena -...

European Commission Calls for More Women in Tech on International Women's Day

The European Union needs to do more to encourage young women to pursue careers in the technology sector, said the European Commission's Neelie Kroes on the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day. She called for a change in the way technology is taught to help girls understand why science and computing is important, before they rule out those fields as options. "It is not enough to puzzle over why there are too few women [information and communications technology (ICT)] executives when we know the problem starts in school," Kroes said. She said the problem needs to be addressed early and from many angles. Kroes noted that women have not set up and run their own ICT companies, and she said the lack of entrepreneurship was another sign that the industry lacks balance. She stressed that female staff need to be treated fairly to keep them from leaving the sector. "It's about career progression, equal pay, and facilities to reconcile their family and professional life and so on," Kroes said. Europe faces a massive skills gap and will be held back if more women do not work in ICT, she emphasized.

Na slici: Clara Zetkin i Rosa Luxemburg, Magdeburg, 1910.

Autor: Srebrenka Ursić
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