Odjel za računarstvo

Područje rada odjela za računarstvo obuhvaća sve vidove teorije, oblikovanja, prakse i primjene metoda i sustava vezanih uz računarstvo i obradu informacija. Djelovanje odjela usmjereno je na znanstvenu, stručnu, obrazovnu i društvenu komponentu. Kroz razmjenu tehničkih informacija i znanstvenih spoznaja, odjel teži unaprjeđenju struke i održavanju visoko profesionalnog položaja među članovima. S druge strane, kroz organizaciju znanstvenih i stručnih predavanja i rasprava te izdavanje tehničkih časopisa, promiče se višedisciplinarna suradnja s drugim strukama i otvorenom društvenom zajednicom.
Vodstvo odjela
Mandat do 31. 12. 2024.

Lucija Petricioli

Hana Ivandić

IEEE Communication Society Croatia Chapter i IEEE Computer Croatia Chapter pozivaju Vas na predavanje prof. Vahana Markarova, State Engineering University of Armenia, Armenia, s temom:


Steganographic System with Dynamically Reconfigurable Structure


Predavanje će se održati u utorak, 8. prosinca 2009. u 14:15 sati u Bijeloj vijećnici FER-a.


Predavanje će biti na engleskom jeziku. Predavanje je otvoreno za sve zainteresirane, a posebno pozivamo studente! Sažetak i biografiju predavača pročitajte u nastavku obavijesti.

Sažetak predavanja:

This talk is devoted to problems of data hiding on a local computer, LAN or the Internet by the means of steganography. The basic idea of steganographic system with dynamically reconfigurable structure is its applicability to maintenance of the long-latent storage of secret information. Main principles of dynamically reconfigurable secret sharing steganography are discussed. The organizational principles of definition and use of steganographic containers are outlined.


Kratka biografija:

Vahan Markarov received his BA, MSc and PhD degrees in Computer Science from State Engineering University of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia in 1998, 2000 and 2003 respectively. From 1998 until 2005 he worked as an assistant professor at the State Institute of Skill Advance in Informatics, Yerevan, Armenia. In 2005 he was elected the Head of Sistemotechnics Department and he stayed at this status until 2007. From 2005 he began to work at the State Engineering University of Armenia as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Information Security and Software Development on the Faculty of Computer Systems and Informatics. In July 2009, he became Associate Professor at the State Engineering University of Armenia.

His research interests and areas of expertise include information security, software design and testing, biometrics and computer networks. Since 2001 he presented over dozen scientific articles on different international conferences and published three instructional materials on the subjects of his interests.

University info: http://www.seua.am/eng/index.html

Autor: Domagoj Jakobović
Popis obavijesti


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