Odjel za obradu signala

Odjel za obradu signala uključuje znanstvena područja poput teorije signala i sustava, teorije i primjene kodiranja, uporabe filtara, prijenosa signala, estimacije, detekcije, analize, prepoznavanja, sinteze te reprodukcije signala digitalnim ili analognim uređajima i tehnikama. Pojam signala uključuje audio i video signale, govor, slike, komunikacije, signal sonara, radara kao i medicinske, glazbene i druge signale.

Vodstvo odjela
Mandat do 31. 12. 2025.
Tomislav Petković
Stjepan Begušić



Hrvatska sekcija IEEE, Odjel za obradu signala, poziva sve zainteresirane na predavanje:
"Design Methodologies in the Era of Embedded Systems"
Predavač: Prof. Daniel Gajski
University of California, Irvine
Center for Embedded Computer Systems
koje će se održati u petak, 29. svibnja 2009. na fakutletu RITEH u Rijeci u 12:15 u predavaoni P2.
Više podataka o predavaču i predavanju možete naći u prilogu ove poruke.
Short Bio:
Dan Gajski, a leader in the areas of embedded systems, design methodologies and languages, headed the research teams that created new design methodologies, tools and languages. He was instrumental in developing formalisms and algorithms for high-level synthesis such as Control/Data Flow Graph (CDFG) and the Finite-State-Machine with Data (FSMD), system level languages such as SpecCharts and SpecC, and design tools such as SpecSyn and System-on-Chip Environment. Many of these concepts have been adapted by academia and industry in the last 30 years.
Gajski directs the UCI Center for Embedded Computer Systems, with a research mission to incorporate embedded systems into automotive, communications, and medical applications. He has authored over 300 papers and numerous textbooks, including Principles of Digital Design (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1997) that has been translated into several languages. After 10 years as Professor at University of Illinois he has joined UCI, where he presently holds The Henry Samueli Endowed Chair in Computer System Design.
With complexities of Systems-on-Chip rising almost daily, the design community has been searching for new methodology that can handle given complexities with increased productivity and decreased times-to-market. The obvious solution that comes to mind is increasing levels of abstraction, or in other words, increasing the size of the basic building blocks. However, it is not clear how many of these building blocks we need and what these basic blocks should be. Obviously, the necessary building blocks are processors and memories. One interesting question is: “Are they sufficient?” The other interesting question is: “How many types of processors and memories do we really need?” In this talk we will try to answer both of these questions and argue that a new embedded system methodology should be based on architectural standard-cells, necessary and sufficient computational components for design of embedded system.
Autor: Davor Petrinović
Popis obavijesti
