Nagrade na regionalnoj i svjetskoj razini

 IEEE ima velik broj nagrada i priznanja članovima koji su se istaknuli u svojim profesionalnim (znanstvenim ili tehničkim) te volonterskim aktivnostima. Nagrade se dodjeljuju na regionalnoj (Regija 8) i na svjetskoj razini, na temelju poziva za nominacije i objavljenih kriterija. Popis i biografije nagrađenih članova objedinjeno se objavljuju u godišnjoj knjižici Awards Booklet, koja se u tiskanom obliku dijeli na IEEE Honors Ceremony, a digitalno ostaje trajno dostupna putem stranice: 

Hrvatska sekcija IEEE potiče nominaciju svojih članova za te nagrade te poziva nominatore da se jave ako im je potrebna pomoć u pripremi dokumentacije. Za neke nagrade traži se i pisana izjava potpore predsjednika/ce Hrvatske sekcije koju treba prilagoditi svrsi prijave (ne postoji generički obrazac) - dakle, nužno je predvidjeti određeno vrijeme da se to kvalitetno napravi.

Imena dosadašnjih članova i odjela dobitnika nagrada objavljeni su na stranici primljene nagrade.

Studentske nagrade

Na raznim organizacijskim razinama raspisan je veći broj nagrada namijenjenih studentskim članovima IEEE.

Nagrade odjela 

Svaki odjel unutar IEEE-a ima svoj fond nagrada te se za detaljnije informacije o njima preporučuje obratiti voditeljima odjela unutar Hrvatske sekcije.

Nagrade Hrvatske sekcije

Hrvatska sekcija IEEE također dodjeljuje godišnje nagrade članovima koji su se istaknuli svojim djelovanjem u sekciji te poduzeću koje podupire djelovanje sekcije i njenih članova. Više o nagradama može se naći na:


Popis (dijela) IEEE nagrada na regionalnoj i svjetskoj razini

U nastavku su navedene neke nagrade po sljedećim kategorijama:

Važno: Rokovi u niže navedenom popisu navedeni su prema podacima iz ranijh godina, tako da je važno provjeriti vrijede li i u ovoj godini (primjerice, u 2020. godini, bilo je značajnih odgoda zbog pandemije koronavirusa).

IEEE Regija 8 

IEEE je podijeljen u deset (10) geografskih regija. Hrvatska sekcija geografski pripada Regiji 8, koja pokriva Europu, Srednji Istok i Afriku.

Izvor: Ime nagrade Rok za prijavu Opis

The Region 8 Volunteer Award



15. veljače The Region 8 Volunteer Award is introduced with the goal of encouraging all volunteers in the Region and of recognizing those volunteers who have made an outstanding contribution to a particular Region 8 Section. The Award is a Certificate.

The Region 8 Outstanding Section Awards (categories: Small and Large)



15. veljače The Region 8 Outstanding Section Award is being established with the goal of recognizing excellent performance by Region 8 Sections. Two categories of award will be made: Large Section = 501 or more members (including Students) as of 31st December of the past year. Small Section = 500 or fewer members (including Students) as of 31st December of the past year.
The Award is for outstanding success of a Section in fulfilling its goals – in accordance with IEEE policy – by organizing technical, professional and geographic activities for the benefit of its members and by maintaining, enhancing, and supporting the Student Branches, Chapters, and Affinity Groups within its geographic boundaries.
3 The Region 8 Chapter of the Year Awards 15. veljače

The Award is intended to recognize the outstanding performance of Region 8 
Technical Chapters (categories: Small (up to 24 members)/Middle(25-60 members) and Large (61 members or more)) and Student Branch Chapters in serving their members and the technical community and establishing goodwill within and between the Region 8 Sections. Any active single or joint Society or Council or Student Branch Chapters of Region 8 is eligible for the award.

The selection is based on outstanding performance of the nominated chapter, reflected by the completed nomination form and supporting documents. In selecting award recipients, the relevant awards ad hoc committee considers contributions of the nominee to chapter activities.


The Region 8 Student Branch Chapter of the Year Award

15. veljače

The Clementina Saduwa Award 



15. veljače To honor Clementina Saduwa and as a tribute to her work throughout the years, IEEE Region 8 gave her name to the prestigious award recognizing outstanding women engineers who, through their engineering and career achievements, have demonstrated noteworthy support for women in the profession and have established a record of excellence.
Nominations will be reviewed by the IEEE Region 8 WIE and Awards and Recognition Subcommittees, who will select a winner.
6 The Region 8 Young Professionals Exceptional Volunteer Award 15. veljače To recognize Young Professionals Affinity Groups (AG) within Region 8 for their efforts, successes and achievements in carrying out the mission of IEEE YP and the aims of IEEE in Region 8 within their Section during the calendar year. Recognition will be given to the Young Professionals AG that displayed the most successful maintenance of ongoing efforts, as well as the development and implementation of new programs. These activities shall leave an important imprint on the Section and on Region 8. The winning AG will receive a certificate providing the citation for the award and a cash prize of $400 granted by the R8 YP Subcommittee to the corresponding Young Professionals AG.
7 The Region 8 Outstanding Young Professionals Affinity Group Award 15. veljače
8 The Region 8 Women in Engineering Section Affinity Group of the Year Award 1. veljače Detalji:
9 The Region 8 Women in Engineering Student Affinity Group of the Year Award 1. veljače
10 Region 8 Outstanding Women in Engineering Section Volunteer Award 1. veljače
11 Region 8 Outstanding Women in Engineering Student Volunteer Award 1. veljače


Studentske nagrade Ime nagrade Rok za prijavu Opis

IEEE Student Enterprise Award



1. veljače The IEEE Student Enterprise Award provides financial help to Student members who are looking to implement an idea for a project. It enables IEEE Student members to work with others on an engineering project, while simultaneously strengthening Student Branch programs. Topics may be of a technical or non-technical nature from research on cutting-edge technology, humanitarian, and community-service programs.

Larry K. Wilson Regional Student Activities Award



1. veljače The purpose of this award is to recognize, annually, in each Region of the IEEE, the Student member most responsible for an extraordinary accomplishment associated with Student Activities. The value of a Student member who shows a pattern of dedication and ongoing service to a Student Branch/Student Branch Chapter is certainly recognized. The award is designed to reward a particular event, program, or product of IEEE Student Activities. It is sponsored by the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Board.

IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award



1. veljače The purpose of this award is to provide public recognition of exemplary IEEE Student Branch operations.

IEEE Outstanding Branch Counselor and Branch Chapter Advisor Award



1. veljače Aware of the unusual and dedicated efforts of Student Branch Counselors and Branch Chapter Advisors, the Regional and Technical Activities Boards sponsor a cash award to each of the approximately ten outstanding Counselors and Advisors around the world. Winners will be those individuals who, through their work as Counselors and Advisors, exemplify the Institute’s commitment to the educational, personal, professional, and technical development of students in IEEE related fields of interest.

The Darrel Chong Student Activity Award



1. veljače The purpose of this recognition system serves to change the mindset of our student groups from being number-driven to becoming value-driven and to acknowledge exemplary student activities around the world. The goal is to improve the quality of activities and to foster knowledge sharing among students. Ultimately, the initiative is targeted at improving student-membership growth. This will encourage and motivate students to continue to innovate and implement meaningful ideas.

MGA nagrade

Members and Geographical Activities (MGA)

Izvor: Ime nagrade Rok za prijavu Opis
1 MGA Larry K. Wilson Transnational Award 15. listopad To recognize the accomplishment judged to be the most significant and effective in fulfilling one or more of the goals and strategic objectives of Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) as related to transnational activities. This award is made in memory of Dr. Larry K. Wilson.
The accomplishments of the candidate(s) should be of "significant performance" and should have made a distinguishing contribution to IEEE. The focus should be on volunteering for IEEE, MGA, or its organizational units, not on professional achievement.
2 MGA Innovation Award 15. listopad This award is to recognize an individual or a team whose accomplishment/project is judged to be the most innovative and effective in fulfilling one or more of the goals of Member and Geographic Activities (MGA).
The accomplishments of the candidate(s) should be of "significant performance" and should have made a distinguishing contribution to IEEE. The focus should be on volunteering for IEEE, MGA, or its organizational units, not on professional achievement.
3 MGA Leadership Award 15. listopad This award is to recognize those individuals who have exhibited exemplary and substantive leadership of an extraordinary nature in implementing activities that support the goals of Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) at the local, regional, national, and/or international level.
The accomplishments of the candidate should be of "significant performance" and should have made a distinguishing contribution to IEEE. The focus should be on volunteering for IEEE, MGA, or its organizational units, not on professional achievement.
4 MGA Achievement Award 15. listopad This award is to recognize individuals, or a team, involved with Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) and its organizational units for singular achievement in the development and completion of a project(s), or activity(ies), directed to the fulfillment of one or more of the MGA goals. This award is designed to recognize those substantive projects or achievements of a relatively short nature (one to three years), but that have left an undeniable imprint on the fabric of regional operations.
The accomplishments of the candidate should be of "significant performance" and should have made a distinguishing contribution to IEEE. The focus should be on volunteering for IEEE, MGA, or its organizational units, not on professional achievement.
5 MGA Young Professionals Achievement Award 15. listopad This award is to recognize those substantive projects or achievements of a relatively short nature (one to three years), but which have left an undeniable imprint on the fabric of IEEE Young Professionals operations.
Note: Before 2014, this award was called the MGA GOLD (Graduates of the Last Decade) Achievement Award.
The award will be based on a selection that recognizes individuals or teams involved with Young Professionals activities who are recognized for singular achievement in the development and completion of a project(s) or activity(ies) which are directed to the fulfillment of one or more of the Young Professionals goals and/or objectives.
The accomplishments of the candidate should be of "significant performance" and should have made a distinguishing contribution to Young Professionals. The focus should be on volunteering for IEEE, MGA, or its organizational units, not on professional achievement.
6 MGA William W. Middleton Distinguished Service Award 15. svibanj The purpose of the MGA William W. Middleton Distinguished Service Award is to honor an individual who, over a long and sustained period of leadership, contributed in an exemplary manner to Member and Geographic Activities (MGA), its activities and achievements, and the attainment of its strategic goals. The focus should be on volunteering for IEEE, MGA, or its organizational units, not on professional achievement.
7 IEEE VP Member and Geographic Activities Discretionary Award   To recognize an IEEE Member(s) or organization(s) that has (have) had a significant and substantial effect on Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) related to the mission of MGA.
To provide MGA with the ability to recognize qualified individuals or organizations whose activities may not be adequately covered by existing MGA Awards or in meritorious cases where the number of Awards are limited.
8 Friend of IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Award   These awards are to specifically recognize support provided to IEEE and its members, in support of its goals, by firms, divisions of firms, or individuals. Nominators can submit individuals or organizations for Friend Awards, and awards can be earned at the supporting or sustaining level.
9 MGA Outstanding Large Section Award 15. svibanj

To recognize the excellent work of a large, medium, and small Section in the past year.
Large Section = 1,501 or more members (including Students) as of 31 December of the prior year
Medium Section = 501–1,500 members (including Students) as of 31 December of the prior year; new in 2014
Small Section = 500 or fewer members (including Students) as of 31 December of the prior year

10 MGA Outstanding Medium Section Award 15. svibanj
11 MGA Outstanding Small Section Award

15. svibanj

Korporativne nagrade

Nagrade u tehničkim poljima (IEEE Technical Field Awards)


Nagrade u kategoriji IEEE Technical Field Awards dodjeljuju se za doprinos ili vodstvo u određenim područjima interesa IEEE-a.

Rok za prijavu: 15. siječnja

  • IEEE Biomedical Engineering Award
  • IEEE Cledo Brunetti Award
  • IEEE Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Award
  • IEEE Control Systems Award
  • IEEE Electromagnetics Award
  • IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award
  • IEEE Fourier Award for Signal Processing
  • IEEE Andrew S. Grove Award
  • IEEE Herman Halperin Electric Transmission and Distribution Award
  • IEEE Masaru Ibuka Consumer Electronics Award
  • IEEE Internet Award
  • IEEE Richard Harold Kaufmann Award
  • IEEE Joseph F. Keithley Award in Instrumentation and Measurement
  • IEEE Gustav Robert Kirchhoff Award
  • IEEE Leon K. Kirchmayer Graduate Teaching Award
  • IEEE Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications Award
  • IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Award
  • IEEE Daniel E. Noble Award for Emerging Technologies
  • IEEE Donald O. Pederson Award in Solid-State Circuits
  • IEEE Frederik Philips Award
  • IEEE Photonics Award
  • IEEE Robotics and Automation Award
  • IEEE Frank Rosenblatt Award
  • IEEE Marie Sklodowska-Curie Award
  • IEEE Innovation in Societal Infrastructure Award
  • IEEE Charles Proteus Steinmetz Award
  • IEEE Eric E. Sumner Award
  • IEEE Nikola Tesla Award
  • IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award 
  • IEEE Transportation Technologies Award
  • IEEE Undergraduate Teaching Award


Priznanja (IEEE Recognitions)

Izvor: Ime nagrade Rok za prijavu Opis
1 IEEE Corporate Innovation Award 15. lipanj Scope: For an outstanding innovation by an organization in an IEEE field of interest
Eligibility: The recipient must be a corporate, governmental, or academic entity working within the fields of interest to IEEE. An employee of a particular entity may nominate his or her organization for the IEEE Corporate Innovation Award.
Prize: The award consists of a certificate and crystal sculpture.
2 IEEE Richard M. Emberson Award 15. lipanj Scope: For distinguished service advancing the technical objectives of IEEE
NOTE: For the Emberson Award, only volunteer contributions are to be considered, not contributions made while an IEEE employee. The quality of the nomination will also be considered by the selection committee.
Prize: The award consists of a bronze medal, illuminated certificate, honorarium, and travel expenses to the award ceremony.
3 IEEE Haraden Pratt Award 15. lipanj Scope: For outstanding volunteer service to IEEE
Prize: The award consists of a bronze medal, illuminated certificate, honorarium, and travel expenses to the award ceremony.
4 IEEE Eric Herz Outstanding Staff Member Award 15. siječanj Presented to: A present or past full-time staff member of the IEEE with at least ten years of service
Scope: For sustained contributions by a present or past full-time staff member
Prize: The award consists of a certificate, honorarium, and travel expenses to attend the presentation of the award.
Basis for Judging: In the evaluation process, the following criteria are considered: substantial impact on the goals and objectives of the IEEE while a staff member, substantial impact on the success of a number of IEEE initiatives, leadership in a number of staff activities, and quality of nomination.



Medalje (IEEE Medals)


IEEE medalje su na vrhu hijerarhije nagrada, a medalja časti (Medal of Honor) je najviša nagrada.

Rok za prijavu: 15. lipnja

  • IEEE Medal of Honor
  • IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal
  • IEEE Edison Medal
  • IEEE Medal for Environmental and Safety Technologies
  • IEEE Founders Medal
  • IEEE Richard W. Hamming Medal
  • IEEE Medal for Innovations in Healthcare Technology
  • IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal
  • IEEE/RSE James Clerk Maxwell Medal
  • IEEE James H. Mulligan, Jr. Education Medal
  • IEEE Jun-ichi Nishizawa Medal
  • IEEE Robert N. Noyce Medal
  • IEEE Dennis J. Picard Medal for Radar Technologies and Applications
  • IEEE Medal in Power Engineering
  • IEEE Simon Ramo Medal 
  • IEEE John von Neumann Medal