Odjel za tehniku u medicini i biologiji Hrvatske sekcije IEEE i Hrvatsko društvo za biomedicinsko inženjerstvo i medicinsku fiziku (HDBIMF) pozivaju Vas na predavanje
Neuroscience and data science perspective
koje će se održati u utorak 11. listopada 2022. s početkom u 13:15, u dvorani D-260 (zgrada D, 2. kat) Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
Predavanje će održati prof. dr. sc. Alon Korngreen, iz Faculty of Life Sciences and the Gonda Brain Center, Bar-Ilan University.
Predavanje je na engleskom jeziku, a predviđeno trajanje s raspravom je 45 minuta. Predavanje je otvoreno za sve zainteresirane, a posebno pozivamo studente.
Više informacija o predavanju i predavaču pročitajte u opširnijem sadržaju obavijesti.
In today's modern world, everything is connected. As a result, the demand for combined brain and data expertise in neurotech, technological innovation, healthcare, education, and many other fields is rising fast. Moreover, progress in neuroscience requires analysing vast amounts of data, a skill that would be invaluable to neuroscientists. Simultaneously, data scientists could benefit dramatically from specialised training in neuroscience to gain perspective that influences the quality and depth of their insights. In my talk, I will introduce the Gonda Brain center, provide an outlook on the changes to the treatment of data in neuroscience over recent decades, and then describe the NeuroData project. The NeuroData Erasmus Mundus, Joint Master Degree Programme in Brain and Data Science, brings neuroscientists and data scientists together in an innovative, specialised programme that will cultivate a new generation of multidisciplinary researchers with in-depth knowledge in both fields.
Alon Korngreen has been a Professor at the Faculty of Life Sciences and the Gonda Brain Center, Bar-Ilan University, since 2001. He received his PhD in biophysics from Ben-Gurion University in 1997 with a thesis in ciliary motility. After that, he spent four years in the Nobel Laureate Prof. Bert Sakmann's lab in Heidelberg, studying nonlinear dendritic integration in cortical neurons. At Bar-Ilan, Prof. Korngreen's lab is interested in understanding How neurons process information, what is the neuronal code at the cellular level, and how synaptic integration affects neuronal computation.