Microwave Theory and Technology Chapter (MTT), Antennas and Propagation Chapter (AP) and Aerospace and Electronic Systems/ Geoscience and Remote Sensing Joint Chapter (AES/GRS) of the IEEE Croatian Section and the Department of Communication and Space Technologies of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing invite you to the lecture:
"Development of efficient antenna systems for future communications networks"
which will be presented by José-Manuel Poyanco Acevedo, University Carlos III, Madrid, Spain. The lecture will take place on Friday, January 20, 2023 at 12:00 in room C12-02 of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Unska 3, Zagreb, Croatia.
The abstract of the lecture and the lecturer's biography can be found below.
In this talk, five antenna designs will be presented: four dielectric lens antennas and a reflector antenna with conformal patches. These designs are presented as a possible solution for new communication systems that will present a big technical challenge. Their designs, simulation results, prototyping, and subsequent measurement will be shown.
José-Manuel Poyanco Acevedo was born in Viña del Mar, Chile, in 1994. He received his 6-year degree in Electronic Engineering from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso, Chile, in 2019, where he was also a research assistant. Since 2020 he is a PhD student in the Multimedia and Communications program at Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain, under the supervision of Professor Eva Rajo-Iglesias, in the Department of Signal Theory and Communications. His research interest includes lens antennas, metamaterials, periodic structures, 3D printing and patch antennas. He was the recipient of the "Student Presentation and Best Paper" and "Best Paper award Finalist" at the International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), in 2020, the "Young Scientists Award" in the Spanish Union Radio-Scientifique International (Spanish URSI), in 2021 and the “Best applied Technology Antenna Paper Award” in the European Conference of Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), in 2022.