Predavanje: "Building a Deepfake...

Odjel za računarstvo Hrvatske sekcije IEEE u suradnji s Istraživačkom jedinicom za znanost o podatcima Znanstvenog centra izvrsnosti za znanost o podatcima i kooperativne sustave poziva vas na predavanje pod naslovom:

Building a Deepfake Detector

koje će održati Christopher Schwartz, PhD u ponedjeljak, 30. listopada 2023. godine s početkom u 16.00 sati preko platforme Zoom. 

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Predavanje je otvoreno za sve zainteresirane, a posebno se pozivaju studenti. Jezik predavanja je engleski.

Životopis predavača i sažetak predavanja nalaze se u nastavku obavijesti.

Sažetak predavanja:

Deepfakes are a form of AI-based technology that use a combination of deep learning algorithms and human artistry to produce realistic depictions of faces, voices and situations. They pose a unique challenge in terms of detection, even while proliferating rapidly in media. Christopher Schwartz, PhD, will introduce the concept of deepfakes with examples and discuss some of the recent efforts at detecting them "in the wild".

O predavaču:

Christopher Schwartz is a philosopher and former journalist, currently a postdoctoral researcher in the DeFake deepfake detector project at the ESL Global Cybersecurity Institute of the Rochester Institute of Technology. He earned his doctorate in philosophy from the Institute of Philosophy at KU Leuven in September 2022 and managed a disinformation research unit in the Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan) in 2019-2020. He was also previously a guest researcher at KU Leuven's Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography (COSIC) research unit.

Autor: Lucija Petricioli
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