Zavod za elektroničke sustave i obradbu informacija i Odjel za instrumentaciju i mjerenja Hrvatske sekcije IEEE pozivaju vas na predavanje
"Electromagnetic sensing and inspection: New applications, innovations, and future perspectives"
koje će na Fakultetu elektrotehnike i računarstva održati dr. sc. Michael O'Toole, University of Manchester, u četvrtak 13. lipnja 2024. godine u 14:00 sati u knjižnici zavoda ZESOI.
Predavanje je na engleskom jeziku, a predviđeno trajanje s raspravom je 60 minuta. Predavanje je otvoreno za sve zainteresirane, a posebno pozivamo studente.
Više informacija o predavanju i predavaču pročitajte u opširnijem sadržaju obavijesti.
The electromagnetic sensing group at the University of Manchester has been engaged in research crossing application domains from security screening, to demining, to recycling, to biomedical diagnostics. Our use of eddy-current sensors and, increasingly, microwave and radar has been the heart of these innovations. Both eddy-current sensing and radar however, are well-established in field of instrumentation and measurement, and while undoubtedly many research problems of interest remain and there is always scope to enhance our understanding, it is not without justification to beg the question for these modalities: Where next? In this talk, I will survey some of the latest work across the EM sensing group drawing on a recent seminar to assess the landscape. I will suggest that two particular themes can be identified that converge our vision of future work: (1) Wider and multi-sensor measurement - looking beyond single sensor systems, towards wider bandwidths and multi-modality. For example, the use of multi-frequency analysis, or incorporating optics and machine vision for object recognition and boundary detection. And (2) 'Intelligent' or 'Smart' sensors that maximise the use of the information available encoded in the measurement signals and exploit the complementarity offered between different signal sources, leveraging for example, the latest results in machine learning.
Životopis predavača
Dr O’Toole was awarded his MEng (Hons) degree at the University of Reading (Integrated Engineering) in 2006, and completed his PhD at Loughborough University in 2011. Currently he is a Lecturer in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Manchester. His research is focused on impact-driven innovations using magnetic induction or eddy-current sensors and instrumentation: high sensitivity, multi-frequency, and ‘smart’ metal detectors capable of characterising object properties, bio-impedance spectroscopy measurements of foods and other tissues, separating metals in the recycling and resource recovery sectors etc. He has worked on a range of major research projects with academic and industrial partners to commission new prototypes for industry trials. Examples include EU Framework 7 projects FRUITGRADING (2012-15), Q-MEAT (2012-14), and SHREDDERSORT (2014-2016). In 2016, he was awarded a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Research Fellowship.