Dobitnice priznanja IEEE-a


Constance J. Chang-Hasnain
IEEE David Sarnoff Award “For her pioneering contributions to vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) arrays and tunable VCSELs.”

Julia Hirschberg
James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award “For pioneering contributions to speech synthesis and prosody research.”

Judy Hoyt
IEEE Andrew S. Grove Award (Co-Recipient) “For seminal contributions to the demonstration of Si/Ge lattice mismatch strain engineering for enhanced carrier transport properties in MOSFET devices.”

Joan Laverne Mitchell
IEEE Masura Ibuka Consumer Electronics Award “For fundamental contributions to image compression in printing technology and digital image processing in consumer electronics.”


Nancy Ann Lynch
IEEE Emanuel R. Piore Award "For contributions to foundations of distributed and concurrent computing."

Viccy Salazar

IEEE Medal for Environmental snd Safety Technologies (Co-Recipient)“For developing and bringing into operation EPEAT, the Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool, that measures product’s environmental performance.”


Susan L. Graham

IEEE John von Neumann Medal "For contributions to programming language design and implementation and for exemplary service to the discipline of computer science."

Teresa H. Meng
IEEE Donald O. Pederson Award in Solid-State Circuits "For pioneering contributions to the development of integrated wireless communications systems."

Lixia Zhang
IEEE Internet Award "For contributions toward an understanding of the complex interactions between Internet components and the development of the Internet architecture."



Virginia Travers
IEEE Internet Award (Co-Recipient) "For pioneering work in the development of the first Internet routers."



Anita K. Jones

IEEE Founders Medal "For outstanding leadership in academic research and in directing science and engineering research in the Department of Defense." 



Kim M. Ess
IEEE Judith Resnik Award "For technical leadership in the development and certification of the Orbiter Boom Sensor System for the space shuttle."



Mildred S. Dresselhaus
IEEE Founders Medal "For leadership across many fields of science and engineering through research and education, and for exceptional and unique contributions to the profession."

Barbara H. Liskov
IEEE John von Neumann Medal "For fundamental contributions to programming languages, programming methodology, and distributed systems."



Yvonne C. Brill

2002 IEEE Judith A. Resnik Award "For innovations in rocket propulsion systems for geosynchronous and low earth orbit communication satellites and the foresight to champion the hybrid electric mono-propellant rocket engine."

Muriel Medard
IEEE Leon K. Kirchmayer Prize Paper Award 'The Effect Upon Channel Capacity in Wireless Communications of Perfect and Imperfect Knowledge of Channel,' IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 46, No. 3, May 2000, pp. 933 - 946.'



Sheila Widnall
IEEE Honorary Membership "For outstanding leadership to United States Air Force science and technology."



Esther M. Conwell
IEEE Edison Medal "For fundamental contributions to transport theory in semiconductor and organic conductors, and their application to the semiconductor, electronic copying and printing industries."


Bonnie J. Dunbar
IEEE Judith A. Resnik Award "For significant contributions to the processing and development of electronic materials in space."



Thelma Estrin
IEEE Haraden Pratt Award "For IEEE leadership, strengthening the Institute's technical and professional programs, and her exemplary role in promoting the recognition of woman in engineering."


