Odjel za električne krugove i sustave

Odjel za električne krugove i sustave bavi se teorijom, analizom, oblikovanjem (računalno potpomognuto oblikovanje), praktičnom primjenom krugova i primjena teoretskih metoda analize krugova na sustave i obradu signala. Ovo područje pokriva čitav niz aktivnosti od osnovne znanstvene teorije do industrijskih primjena.
Vodstvo odjela
Mandat do 31. 12. 2024.
Vladimir Čeperić
Aljoša Dudarin


Poziv na predavanje "Application...

Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Odjel za električne krugove i sustave (CAS04) Hrvatske sekcije IEEE poziva Vas na predavanje

"Application of Fully Integrated DC-DC Converters in State-of-the-Art Power Management Systems"

koje će održati Edi Emanović.
Predavanje će se održati  u petak 9. veljače 2024. godine u 12 sati u dvorani D-160 FER-a.

Pozvani su svi zainteresirani, uključujući studente.

Predavanje će se održati na engleskom jeziku. Sažetak predavanja i kratki životopis predavača su dostupni u opširnijoj obavijesti.

Autor: Vladimir Čeperić

Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Odjel za električne krugove i sustave (CAS04) te Odjel za elektromagnetsku kompatibilnost (EMC27) Hrvatske sekcije IEEE poziva Vas na predavanje

"Challenges of Numerical Simulations in Automotive Industry"

koje će održati kolege iz Rimac Technology d.o.o. dr. sc. Ivan Krajinović, dr. sc. Karlo Seleš, Tomislav Gradinščak, Sanjai Sureshkumar i dr. sc. Raul Blečić.
Predavanje će se održati  u četvrtak 6. travnja 2023. godine u 11:15 sati u Sivoj vijećnici FER-a. Pozvani su svi zainteresirani, uključujući studente. Predavanje će se održati na engleskom jeziku uz sljedeći program:

11:15 - 11:25  Uvod
11:25 - 11:40  Structural simulations
11:40 - 11:55  CFD simulations
11:55 - 12:10  EMC simulations
12:10 - 12:30  Q&A

Sažetak predavanja i kratki životopis predavača su dostupni u opširnijoj obavijesti.

Autor: Vladimir Čeperić
Poziv na seriju predavanja o...

Odjel za električne krugove i sustave (CAS04) Hrvatske sekcije IEEE poziva Vas na seriju predavanja o

"Delta-Sigma Modulators" ("Delta-sigma modulatori")

koje će održati

Assoc. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Mario Auer, TU Graz, Institute for Electronics, Austria.

Predavanja će se održati od 04.10.2022. do 17.10.2022. na FER-u prema rasporedu i programu u opširnijoj obavijesti.

Predavanja će biti održana na engleskom jeziku. Otvorena za sve zainteresirane, a posebno pozivamo studente.

Autor: Vladimir Čeperić

Odjel za električne krugove i sustave (CAS04) Hrvatske sekcije IEEE poziva Vas na predavanje

"Scrum : Engineering Human Interactions for Higher Organizational Efficiency"

koje će održati

Renaud Gillon, PhD, Sydelity, Belgija

Predavanje će se održati  u petak 15. srpnja 2022. u 10:15 sati u Sivoj vijećnici FER-a. Predavanje će se održati na engleskom jeziku u formi radionice sa slijedećim programom:

10:15 11:00 Scrum radionica - prvi dio
11:00 11:20 Pauza za kavu
11:20 12:05 Scrum radionica - drugi dio
12:05 12:15 Q&A

Sažetak predavanja i kratki životopis predavača su dostupni u opširnijoj obavijesti.


Autor: Vladimir Čeperić

Odjel za električne krugove i sustave (CAS04) Hrvatske sekcije IEEE poziva Vas na predavanje

"A Tutorial on PLL Design: Subsampling PLLs for Frequency Synthesis and Phase Modulation"

koje će održati

Nereo Markulić, PhD - research scientist, IMEC, Belgija

Predavanje će se održati  u četvrtak 23. prosinca 2021. u 10:00 sati na Teams platformi, poveznica https://bit.ly/3J0i9Zl . Predvidivo trajanje predavanja je 90 minuta uz dodatne odgovore na pitanja i diskusiju. Sažetak predavanja i kratki životopis predavača su dostupni u opširnijoj obavijesti.

Autor: Vladimir Čeperić
Predavanje: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mladen...

Odjel za električne krugove i sustave Hrvatske sekcije IEEE pozivaju Vas na predavanje

"High-level Modelling of Robust and Resilient Systems"

koje će održati Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mladen Berekovic iz Universität zu Lübeck, Njemačka,  u srijedu, 18. rujna 2019. u 15.00 sati, u Sivoj vijećnici Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Unska 3, Zagreb.

Predavanje je otvoreno za sve zainteresirane, a posebno pozivamo studente.

Više o predavanju i o predavaču pročitajte u opširnijem sadržaju obavijesti.

Autor: Adrijan Barić

Hrvatska sekcija IEEE, Zajednički odjel za elektroničke elemente / poluvodičke integrirane sklopove (ED/SSC) te Odjel za električne krugove i sustave (CAS) pozivaju vas na predavanje:


Susceptibility of Precision Operational Amplifiers to EMI


koje će održati Andrea Lavarda, M.Sc., prof. dr. sc. Bernd Deutschmann i dr.sc. Gunter Winkler s TU Graz, u ponedjeljak 12. prosinca 2016. u 12 satiSivoj vijećnici.

Sažetak predavanja i životopise predavača pogledajte u nastavku obavijesti.

Autor: Mladen Vučić
Predavanje: "Towards 5G: Narrow...

Hrvatska sekcija IEEE, Odjel za električne krugove i sustave (CAS) te Odjel za obradu signala (SP) pozivaju vas na predavanje:


Towards 5G: Narrow Band Internet of Things


koje će održati Ivica Mataušić, dipl. ing. iz kompanije Ericsson Nikola Tesla d. d., u ponedjeljak 28. 11. 2016. u 13:15 sati u dvorani D160.

Predavanje je otvoreno za sve zainteresirane, a posebno pozivamo studente.

Sažetak predavanja i životopis predavača pogledajte u nastavku obavijesti.

Autor: Mladen Vučić


Hrvatska sekcija IEEE, Odjel za električne krugove i sustave (CAS) te Zajednički odjel za elektroničke elemente / poluvodičke integrirane sklopove (ED/SSC) pozivaju vas na predavanje:


Spread Spectrum Clocking for Emission Reduction


koje će održati prof. dr. sc. Bernd Deutschmann i dr.sc. Gunter Winkler s TU Graz, u srijedu 15. lipnja 2016. u 12 sati u dvorani TCR na Fakultetu elektrotehnike i računarstva Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.

Sažetak predavanja i životopis predavača pogledajte u nastavku obavijestii.


Autor: Mladen Vučić
Predavanje "Advanced Driver...

Poštovane članice i članovi Hrvatske sekcije IEEE,


Pozivamo Vas na predavanje u organizaciji Odjela za električne krugove i sustave Hrvatske sekcije IEEE koje će se održati u utorak 15. 12. 2015. u 14:15 sati u knjižnici Zavoda za elektroničke sustave i obradbu informacija.



dr. sc. Goran Molnar


Naslov predavanja:

Advanced Driver Drowsiness Measurement System


Sažetak predavanja:

Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) aim to increase driver, car, and road safety. They are based on human-machine interfaces which are incorporated into embedded vision systems. Typical ADAS include driver drowsiness detection, pedestrian detections, surround view, and lane departure. This lecture presents an advanced driver drowsiness measurement system in which the drowsiness is estimated via behavioral features of the face. The facial features are indicated using the face tracking system and behavioral discriminators. The measurement system supports the monitoring and recording. In addition, it uses an optical camera system for monitoring the driver while wearing sunglasses and during the night driving.


Životopis predavača:

Goran Molnar received the Diploma Engineer and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, in 2001 and 2010. In 2001, he was employed as a Teaching and Research Assistant at the Department of Electronic Systems and Information Processing of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb (UNIZG-FER). In 2010, he was employed as a Senior Teaching and Research Assistant at the same department. In 2013, he had the position of Experienced Researcher at Centre of Research Excellence for Advanced Cooperative Systems (ACROSS). In 2014, he was employed as a Senior FGPA Engineer – Project Leader at Xylon - an electronics company focused on FPGA IP core designs. Since the end of 2015, he works for Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d.


Predavanje je otvoreno za sve zainteresirane, a posebno pozivamo studente.

Autor: Mladen Vučić
Predavanje "Systems for Analog...

Poštovane članice i članovi Hrvatske sekcije IEEE,


Pozivamo Vas na predavanje u organizaciji Odjela za električne krugove i sustave Hrvatske sekcije IEEE koje će se održati u četvrtak 15. 10. 2015. u 11:15 sati u knjižnici Zavoda za elektroničke sustave i obradbu informacija.



Izv. prof. dr. sc. Dražen Jurišić


Naslov predavanja:

Systems for Analog and Mixed Signal Processing in Integrated Technology


Sažetak predavanja:

In spite of the prevailing trend of all digital systems and many undoubted advantages of using digital systems instead of analog, hardware which communicates the real outside world remains exclusively analog. This analog part, which is a part of the overall mixed system, containing both analog and digital parts, has common name “analog-front end” (AFE). Electronic circuits contained in AFE will, therefore, remain an important part of most integrated systems. However, they present one of the bottlenecks in high performance design such as low power consumption, small chip area, low noise, low signal distortion, etc. Because analog circuits possess important inherent advantages in some cases, we expect further improvements in theirs design. Because of that reason, research of new and better analog electrical circuits (in IC design) will play an important role in the future. New and advanced systems on chip will continue to appear. One of the types of analog circuits that have been traditionally late in the development is that of electrical filters. In this paper we present several new ideas in developing analog filters.


Životopis predavača:

Dražen Jurišić is associate professor of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Zagreb in Croatia where he received his B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering in 1990, 1995 and 2002, respectively. In 2005 he was elected as assistant professor and in 2011 as associate professor. He is involved in teaching lectures in undergraduate course on ’Electrical circuits’, and in graduate course on ’Analog and mixed signal processing’. Present interests include analog and digital signal processing and filter design. From 1997 until 1999 he was with Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zürich, Switzerland, as holder of Swiss Federal Scholarship for Foreign Students doing Ph.D. research in the field of analog active-RC filters. He was rewarded with the silver plaque ’Josip Loncar’ for his Ph.D. thesis. Since November 2008 he is visiting Bar-Ilan University, Israel and till now he spent 16 months there as a researcher. He is a member of KoREMA and IEEE-CAS society.


Predavanje je otvoreno za sve zainteresirane, a posebno pozivamo studente.

Autor: Mladen Vučić
Predavanje "Light field: From...

Poštovane članice i članovi Hrvatske sekcije IEEE,


Pozivamo Vas na predavanje u organizaciji projekta ACROSS, Odjela za obradu signala i Odjela za električne krugove i sustave Hrvatske sekcije IEEE koje će se održati u petak 13. 6. 2014. u 14:15 sati u knjižnici ZESOI.


Predavač je:

Dr. Robert Bregović


Naslov predavanja je:

Light field: From concept to display


Sažetak predavanja:

The ultimate goal of visualization technologies is to visualize on a display (device) a ‘perfect’ representation of a 3D scene. This goal will be achieved when a scene visualized on a display is indistinguishable from the real one. Although, today’s display technology is still not able to reproduce such level of realism (visual quality), the requirements for achieving this are quite well understood. In this talk we will discuss the concept of light field as the underlying principle for a complete description of a 3D scene. We will show its formal definition through the plenoptic function and introduce several light field representations with the corresponding interpretation in spatial and frequency domain. Scene representations ranging from pure image-based, such as Epipolar-Plane Image (EPI) based, to multi-view multi-depth based will be considered. We will also look into available light-field displays that are trying to generate the required light field defined by a scene. We will end the talk by pointing out advantages and disadvantages of those displays over more widely available off-shelf 3D displays (e.g. autostereoscopic and glasses-based 3D displays).


Životopis predavača:

Robert Bregović received the Dipl.Ing. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, in 1994 and 1998, respectively, and the Dr. Tech. degree in information technology from the Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland, in 2003. From 1994 to 1998, he was an Assistant at the Department of Electronic Systems and Information Processing, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb. Since 1999 he is with the Department of Signal Processing, Tampere University of Technology, where he is currently working as a Senior Researcher. In 2005 and 2006 he was a visiting Research Fellow at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and in 2013 he was a Senior Researcher at Holografika Kft. Budapest. His research interests are in the design of filters and filter banks, multi-dimensional signal analysis and light field sensing, processing and display.


Predavanje je otvoreno za sve zainteresirane, a posebno pozivamo studente.

Autor: Goran Molnar
Predavanje Dr. Robert Bregović...

Poštovane članice i članovi Hrvatske sekcije IEEE,


Pozivamo Vas na predavanje u organizaciji Odjela za električne krugove i sustave (Circuits and Systems-CAS 04), Hrvatske sekcije IEEE, te Zavoda za elektroničke sustave i obradbu informacija (ZESOI) koje će se održati u utorak 8. 4. 2014. u 12:00 sati u dvorani D-160.


Predavač je:

Dr. Robert Bregović


Naslov predavanja je:

Visual-quality evaluation methodology for multiview displays


Sažetak predavanja:

Multiview displays are characterized by a multitude of parameters, such as spatial resolution, brightness, 3D-crosstalk, and so forth, which individually and in combination influence the visual quality of 3D scenes. These parameters are specified by values precisely measured by optical means. However, it is difficult for an average consumer or content producer to compare the visual quality of two displays or to judge whether given 3D content is suitable for a certain display using only this set of parameter values. In this talk, we will describe a quality-measurement methodology that aims to measure the visibility of structural distortions introduced by a multiview display by using a number of test signals with different frequency content and apparent depth. We use these measurements to derive what we call display passband for signals at different disparity levels. The passband determines the frequency components for which the intended signal is predominantly visible with respect to the distortion introduced by the display. Additionally, we look into a method to determine the approximate effective resolution of a display for signals with a given apparent depth. The result of the measurements can be used to compare the perceived visual quality of different multiview displays.


Životopis predavača:

Robert Bregović received the Dipl.Ing. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, in 1994 and 1998, respectively, and the Dr. Tech. degree in information technology from the Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland, in 2003. From 1994 to 1998, he was an Assistant at the Department of Electronic Systems and Information Processing, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb. Since 1999 he is with the Department of Signal Processing, Tampere University of Technology, where he is currently working as a Senior Researcher. In 2005 and 2006 he was a visiting Research Fellow at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and in 2013 he was a Senior Researcher at Holografika Kft. Budapest. His research interests are in the design of filters and filter banks, multi-dimensional signal analysis and light field sensing, processing and display.


Predavanje je otvoreno za sve zainteresirane, a posebno pozivamo studente.


Autor: Goran Molnar
Obavijest o predavanju

Poštovane članice i članovi Hrvatske sekcije IEEE,


Pozivamo Vas na predavanje u organizaciji Odjela za električne krugove i sustave (Circuits and Systems-CAS 04), Hrvatske sekcije IEEE, te Zavoda za elektroničke sustave i obradbu informacija (ZESOI) koje će se održati u utorak 25. 3. 2014. u 12:00 sati u dvorani D-160.


Predavač je:

Prof. Atanas Gotchev


Naslov predavanja je:

Multi-sensor 3D visual scene capture


Sažetak predavanja:

We propose a joint de-noising and data fusion approach where the fused modalities come from conventional high-resolution photo or video camera and low-resolution range sensor of time-of-flight type, operating in restricted conditions of low-emitting power and low number of sensor elements. Our approach includes identifying the various noise sources and suggesting suitable remedies at particular stages of data sensing and fusion. More specifically, fixed pattern noise and system noise are treated at a preliminary denoising stage working on range data only. In contrast to other 2D video/depth fusion approaches, which suggest working in planar coordinates, our approach includes additional denoising refinement in the space of 3D world coordinate system (i.e. point cloud space). Furthermore, the high-resolution grid resampling is performed as an iterative non-uniform to uniform resampling based on the Richardson method. This improves the performance compared to approaches based on low-to-high grid upsampling and subsequent refinement. We report experimental results where the achieved quality of fused data is the same as if the ToF sensor was operating in normal (low-noise) sensing mode.


Životopis predavača:

Atanas Gotchev (Ph.D., Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria; Dr. Tech., Tampere University of Technology, Finland) is an Associate Professor with the Department of Signal Processing, Tampere University of Technology where he leads the 3D Media Group. His research interests are in sampling and interpolation theory; spline and spectral methods with applications to multi-dimensional signal analysis; and 3D and HDR imaging. He was Chair of the Research Exchange Committee of FP6-funded 3DTV Network of Excellence (2004-2008) and the Scientific Coordinator of FP7-funded MOBILE3DTV project (2007-2011). More recently, he has been Vice Chair of the EU COST Action 3D-ConTourNet (2012-2016), and manager of the PROLIGH Marie Curie IAPP Action (2013-2016), supporting the development of advanced signal processing methods for light-field displays. Atanas Gotchev is member of EURASIP, SPE, and IEEE and was Chair of IEEE CAS & SP Chapter of Finland (2003-2005).


Predavanje je otvoreno za sve zainteresirane, a posebno pozivamo studente.

Autor: Goran Molnar

Poštovane članice i članovi Hrvatske sekcije IEEE,

Pozivamo Vas na predavanje u organizaciji Odjela za električne krugove i sustave (Circuits and Systems-CAS 04), Hrvatske sekcije IEEE, te Zavoda za elektroničke sustave i obradbu informacija (ZESOI) koje će se održati u utorak 3.12.2013. u 14:00 sati u ZESOI knjižnici D115.
Predavač je:
Prof. dr. sc. Dražen Jurišić

Naslov predavanja je:
Inductorless Elliptic Filters with Reduced Number of Capacitors Using Signal-Flow Graphs

Sažetak predavanja:
A method of realizing elliptic filters using signal-flow graphs is presented. Elliptic filters having a minimum number of capacitors are compared with those having a higher number of capacitors. This number is particularly significant when comparing filters realized in balanced-to-ground and unbalanced form. The version with a canonic number of capacitors provides area savings in IC form, whereas both (filters with a minimum [i.e. canonic] number of capacitors and those having a higher number of capacitors) have a low sensitivity to component tolerances. The sfg derivations necessary to realize higher-order elliptic filters with a reduced number of capacitors is presented. Transfer function magnitudes are simulated using the PSpice program. Monte Carlo runs confirm the low sensitivity to component tolerances of both circuit types.


Predavanje je otvoreno za sve zainteresirane, a posebno pozivamo studente.


Autor: Goran Molnar
Obavijest o predavanju

Poštovane članice i članovi Hrvatske sekcije IEEE,


Pozivamo Vas na 1. predavanje ove godine u organizaciji Odjela za električne krugove i sustave

(Circuits and Systems-CAS 04), Hrvatske sekcije IEEE i Zavoda za elektroničke sustave i obradbu informacija (ZESOI)

koje će se održati u petak 1. ožujka 2013. u 15:30 sati u Sivoj vijećnici

Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva (FER-a), Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Unska 3, HR-10 000 Zagreb, Hrvatska


Predavač je:

Dr. sc. Siniša Sovilj


Naslov predavanja je:

Računalno modeliranje električne aktivnosti srca

(Computational Modelling of the Whole-Heart Electrical Activity)


Predavanje je otvoreno za sve zainteresirane, a posebno pozivamo studente!

Predavanje će biti održano o rezultatima istraživanja sa znanstveno-stručnog usavršavanja na Sveučilištu New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australija.

Više o predavanju i o predavaču možete naći u opširnijem sadržaju obavijesti.

Autor: Dražen Jurišić

Poštovane članice i članovi Hrvatske sekcije IEEE,


Pozivamo Vas na 2. predavanje ove godine u organizaciji Odjela za električne krugove i sustave

(Circuits and Systems-CAS 04) i Hrvatske sekcije IEEE

i Zavoda za elektroničke sustave i obradbu informacija (ZESOI)

koje će se održati u utorak 18. Prosinca 2012. u 12:30 sati u ZESOI knjižnici D115 (uz voće)


Predavač je:

Dr. sc. Goran Molnar


Naslov predavanja je:
FIR Fractional Hilbert Transformers With Raised-Cosine Magnitude Response


Predavanje je o radu koji je prezentiran na konferenciji:

ICECS 2012 - International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems

December 09-12, 2012

Seville, Spain


Predavanje je otvoreno za sve zainteresirane, a posebno pozivamo studente!


S poštovanjem,

prof. dr. sc. Dražen Jurišić

Predsjednik Odjela za električne krugove i sustave Hrvatske sekcije IEEE

Autor: Dražen Jurišić

Poštovane članice i članovi Hrvatske sekcije IEEE,


Pozivamo Vas na 1. predavanje ove godine u organizaciji Odjela za električne krugove i sustave

(Circuits and Systems-CAS 04) i Hrvatske sekcije IEEE

i Zavoda za elektroničke sustave i obradbu informacija (ZESOI)

koje će se održati u utorak 20. Studenog 2012. u 14:00 sati u ZESOI knjižnici D115


Predavač je:

Prof. dr. sc. Dražen Jurišić


Naslov predavanja je:
Dynamic Range Improvement of New Leap-Frog Filter Using Numerical Optimization


Predavanje je o radu koji će biti prezentiran na konferenciji:

ICECS 2012 - International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems

December 09-12, 2012

Seville, Spain


Predavanje je otvoreno za sve zainteresirane, a posebno pozivamo studente!


S poštovanjem,

prof. dr. sc. Dražen Jurišić

Predsjednik Odjela za električne krugove i sustave Hrvatske sekcije IEEE

Autor: Dražen Jurišić
ICECS 2012
International Conference on
Electronics, Circuits and Systems
December 09-12, 2012
Seville, Spain
Paper submission: July 15, 2012
IEEE Region 8 Conference EuroCon 2013
July 01-04, 2013
Zagreb, Croatia
Paper submission: November 01, 2012
Autor: Dražen Jurišić
Poštovane kolegice i kolege,

Pozivamo Vas na 2. predavanje ove godine u združenoj organizaciji Odjela za električne krugove i sustave (Circuits and Systems-CAS 04), Odjela za obradu signala (Signal Processing-SP 01) Hrvatske sekcije IEEE i Zavoda za elektroničke sustave i obradbu informacija (ZESOI)

koje će se održati u utorak 20prosinca 2011. u 11:15 sati u ZESOI knjižnici D115

Predavač je:

mr. sc. Ivica Mihalić, dipl.ing.

Naslov predavanja je:
Programirljive analogne strukture za obradu analognih signala

(Programmable analog structures for analog signal processing)

Predavanje je otvoreno za sve zainteresirane, a posebno pozivamo studente!


Uz pozdrav,

    Dražen Jurišić i Davor Petrinović


Autor: Dražen Jurišić
Poštovane kolegice i kolege,

Pozivam Vas na 1. predavanje ove godine u organizaciji odjela za električne krugove i sustave (Circuits and Systems-CAS 04) Hrvatske sekcije IEEE i Zavoda za elektroničke sustave i obradbu informacija

koje će se održati u ponedjeljak 11srpnja 2011. u 11:00 sati u ZESOI knjižnici D115

Predavač je:

doc. dr. sc. Dražen Jurišić, dipl.ing.

Naslov predavanja je:
Ladder–Biquad Filter Partitioning for On-chip Tuning

Predavanje je o temi rada koji je prihvaćen za objavljivanje na ovogodišnjoj konferenciji ECCTD 2011, Linköping, Švedska, 29-31 kolovoz, 2011.

Uz pozdrav,
    Dražen Jurišić,

Predsjednik CAS04 Odjela

Autor: Dražen Jurišić


Poštovane kolegice i kolege,
okviru Kolokvija Zavoda za elektroničke sustave i obradbu informacija, Odjela za električne krugove i sustave (Circuits and Systems-CAS 04) i Odjela za obrazovanje Hrvatske sekcije IEEE, pozivam Vas na predavanje koje će se održati u četvrtak 16. prosinca 2010. u 11:00 sati u ZESOI knjižnici D115
mr. sc. Boško Mrković, dipl.ing.
Naslov predavanja je:
Calibration of Referential Current Sources in CMOS
Uz pozdrav,
    Dražen Jurišić,

Predsjednik CAS04 Odjela

Autor: Dražen Jurišić

Poštovane kolegice i kolege,

Pozivam Vas na predavanje u okviru Kolokvija Zavoda za elektroničke sustave i obradbu informacija,i Odjela za električne krugove i sustave (Circuits and Systems-CAS 04) Hrvatske sekcije IEEE.
Predavanje će se održati u četvrtak 09. prosinca 2010. u 11:00 sati u ZESOI knjižnici D115
doc. dr. sc. Dražen Jurišić
Naslov predavanja je:
Why Scientists Have To Fill In The Recycle Bin - The Filter Partitioning Problem
Uz pozdrav,
    Dražen Jurišić

Predsjednik CAS04 Odjela

Autor: Dražen Jurišić