Zajednički odjel za zrakoplovne elektroničke sustave te geoznanosti i daljinska istraživanja

Interesi članova društva za zrakoplovne elektroničke sustave pokrivaju organizaciju, projektiranje, razvoj, integraciju i rad složenih sustava za različita okruženja poput svemira, te zemljine atmosfere i površine. Takovi sustavi uključuju navigaciju, radar, sonar, telemetriju i daljinsko upravljanje.
Društvo za geoznanosti i daljinska istraživanja pokriva teoriju, razvoj i ostvarenje sustava za motrenje i daljinska istraživanja Zemlje, oceana, atmosfere i svemira, te procesiranje i interpretaciju prikupljenih podataka.
Vodstvo zajedničkog odjela
Mandat do 31. 12. 2025.
Silvio Hrabar
Branimir Ivšić

Poziv na IEEE Distinguished Lecturer...

Odjel za antene i širenje elektromagnetskih valova (AP), Odjel za teoriju i primjenu mikrovalova (MTT) i Zajednički odjel za zrakoplovne elektroničke sustave te geoznanosti i daljinska istraživanja (AES/GRS) Hrvatske sekcije IEEE, Znanstveni centar izvrsnosti za znanost o podatcima i kooperativne sustave (ZCI-DATACROSS) i Zavod za komunikacijske i svemirske tehnologije Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva pozivaju vas na predavanje:

"What is my measurement equipment actually doing? Implications for 5G/6G, mm-wave and related applications"

koje će održati Jon Martens, PhD. (Distinguished Microwave Lecturer), Anritsu, San Jose, California, SAD. Predavanje će se održati on-line u četvrtak, 15. prosinca 2022. godine s početkom u 17:00 sati na platformi Zoom. Predavanje se održava na engleskom jeziku.

Poveznica za pristup je ovdje.

Meeting ID: 884 7104 1572
Passcode: 146125


Current microwave and high frequency instrumentation perform many tasks behind the scenes, even more so in the mm-wave and high modulation rate regimes, and it is easy to lose track of how the equipment, the processing algorithms, the setup and the signals are interacting.  By exploring the measurement mechanics within some common instruments under practical conditions, it may be easier to understand where sensitivities or anomalies might increase and how to mitigate them.   Through a study of example architectures and measurements, including those in the 100+ GHz range and those with wide modulation bandwidths where linearity, dynamic range and other physical metrics are stressed even more, mechanisms and ideas for better measurements will be explored.



Jon Martens (M’91 – S’10) received the BSEE, MSEE and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin in 1986, 1988 and 1990, respectively. Since 1995, he has been with Anritsu where he is currently an Engineering Fellow. His research interests include measurement system architectures, millimeter-wave circuit and system design, and a wide range of microwave measurement processes to include materials analysis, nonlinear and quasi-linear characterization, optical interactions and calibration. He is the inventor or co-inventor on over 17 patents, has (co-)authored several book chapters and over 50 technical publications. Dr. Martens is a past chair of the MTT measurements technical subcommittee and is a past president of the measurements society ARFTG and is still active in both. He is a member of the technical program subcommittees for the International Microwave Symposium and ARFTG and is a former associate editor for the Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques.

Autor: Davor Bonefačić
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