Odjel za antene i širenje elektromagnetskih valova

"Overview of research activities in the Radiofrequency Group of the University Carlos III of Madrid"
In the last years, the Radiofrequency Group of the University Carlos III has been involved in research related to artificial surfaces, metamaterials as well as its application to patch antennas . Some of these activities have been made in collaboration with the Antenna Group of Chalmers University (Sweden). In this presentation, some of the research lines in which Eva Rajo is involved will be presented. Particularly, the last advances in a new waveguide technology based on artificial surfaces: the gap waveguide, will be described, as well as other recent applications of soft and hard surfaces. This includes the analysis of a new geometry for the gap waveguide: the groove waveguide, and the application of this concept to circuit packaging based on different unit cells. Besides, an introduction to some new research lines related to small antennas including reconfigurability for implantable devices in medical applications will be presented.
Dr. Rajo-Iglesias received the Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference (LAPC) 2007 Best Paper Award and the Best Poster Award in the field of Metamaterial Applications in Antennas, sponsored by the IET Antennas and Propagation Network, at Metamaterials 2009: 3rd International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics.