Odjel za antene i širenje elektromagnetskih valova 

Odjel za antene i širenje elektromagnetskih valova proučava sljedeće: antene, uključujući analizu, oblikovanje, razvoj, mjerenja i testiranja; zračenje, širenje i međudjelovanje elektromagnetskih valova s diskretnim i kontinuiranim medijima te aplikacije i sustave značajne za antene, širenje i raspoznavanje kao što su primijenjena optika, tehnika milimetarskih i submilimetarskih valova, obrada i kontrola signala, radio astronomija, zemaljska komunikacija i komunikacija stacionirana u svemiru promatrane sa stanovišta zračenja, uključujući bežičnu, mobilnu, satelitsku i telekomunikaciju.
Vodstvo odjela
Mandat do 31. 12. 2025.
Dominik Barbarić

MIPRO, Zajednički odjel za antene i širenje elektromagnetskih valova / teoriju i primjenu mikrovalova, te zajednički odjel  za elektroničke elemente / poluvodičke integrirane sklopove, Hrvatske sekcije IEEE poziva sve zainteresirane na predavanje pod naslovom: "Applications and Recent Developments in Terahertz (THz) Research" koje će se održati na FER-u, u petak 5. lipnja 2009. u 11 sati u telekonferencijskoj učionici (TCR) u prizemlju zgrade A, soba A003. Inicijalni organizator ovog predavanja je Hrvatska udruga za informacijsku i komunikacijsku tehnologiju, elektroniku i mikroelektroniku - MIPRO, te se radi o predavanju održanom prošli tjedan u Opatiji u sklopu 32. International Convention MIPRO u Opatiji.

Predavanje (na engleskom jeziku) održat će prof.dr.sc. Branimir Pejčinović, Portland State University, Electrical and Computer Engineering department. U namjeri da se svim zainteresiranima izvan Zagreba omogući sudjelovanje na ovom zanimljivom predavanju, osigurat će se videokonferencijski prijenos putem veze koju omogućuje CARNET. Prijenos je osiguran za gradove/sveučilišne centre Dubrovnik, Osijek, Rijeka i Split.


Kratki sadržaj predavanja: Terahertz radiation and its interaction with gases, molecules and solids is still a relatively unexplored research area. Unique characteristics, such as penetration of various materials, spectral sensitivity to material properties and surface features, ability to detect various biological and other molecules, and many others, enable a variety of applications in biology, medicine, security, and non-destructive testing. Arguably, we are seeing the first phase of commercialization of various applications in this region of the spectrum. In this talk we will explain some fundamentals of THz interaction with solids and present some of the recent developments in explosives detection, materials characterization, and waveguide and sensor applications.


O predavaču: Branimir Pejcinovic received Dipl.-Ing. degree from University of Zagreb, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He is currently an Associate Professor and Associate Chair for Undergraduate Education at Portland State University, Electrical and Computer Engineering department. He is also a co-director of IC Design and Test Lab, a unique facility for digital, mixed-mode and high-frequency test and characterization of ICs. His research interests are in the areas of semiconductor device characterization, design and simulation (including SiGe BJTs, GaAs FETs, strained-SOI CMOS, low-bandgap FETs and avalanche photodetectors) as well as signal integrity and electromagnetic compatibility. Most recently he is working on establishing a THz measurement facility at PSU and utilizing THz waves in various applications. He was a Technical Program Committee co-chair for two conferences: International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS) 2002 and MELECON 2004, as well as a guest editor for special issue of Analog Integrated Circuits And Signal Processing journal (Nov/Dec 2004 issue) and Telecommunication Systems Journal (July 2006) which contained best papers from these conferences. He also served on the Technical Program Committee for International Microwave Symposium.

Autor: Radovan Zentner
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