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Vodstvo odjela
Mandat do 31. 12. 2024.

Lucija Petricioli

Hana Ivandić

Poziv na predavanje:...

Odjel za računarstvo Hrvatske sekcije IEEE poziva Vas na predavanje

"Digitization and Artificial Intelligence – How they are disrupting our world"

koje će održati Stefan Alexander Jenzowsky, Senior Vice President New Products & Innovation, Siemens Convergence Creators, u utorak, 7. studenog 2017. godine, u 15.00 sati, u Sivoj vijećnici Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Unska 3.

Predavanje će biti na engleskom jeziku, predviđeno trajanje s raspravom je 60 minuta, otvoreno je za sve zainteresirane te se posebno pozivaju studenti.

Više o predavanju i predavaču pročitajte u opširnijem sadržaju obavijesti.

Sažetak predavanja

Currently, disruption is probably the most important buzzword to be heard in the Silicon Valley. In his presentation, Stefan Jenzowsky, expert on business model innovation and digital disruption, explains what it is all about. How will technology like Artificial Intelligence change the world?

Stefan Jenzowsky takes you along on a journey to the near future and into the world of new technology, creative disruption and venture capital – as investors particularly like to invest in technology leading to disruptive business models. Jenzowsky illustrates how disruption works in practice and indicates the main trends and driving forces: artificial intelligence and decision logics will change numerous professions, making some of them superfluous even. Digitization lowers entry barriers and eliminates information symmetries, thus granting a multitude of small companies the opportunity to attack the core of your business model.

Today, the internet platform AirBnB, for instance, lets more rooms than all of the largest hotel chains combined and has never built a hotel of its own. In many cities, the Uber app nowadays dominates the market for transport services but does not own a single taxi. Young start-ups replace existing business models and are successful in less time than ever before. From his stays in the Silicon Valley, Stefan Jenzowsky knows that the thought pattern prevailing there pays off. Financial backers invest billions, “While in Europe, an evolutionary way of thinking predominates, the U.S. think in a revolutionary way“, says Jenzowsky and wants to trigger a process of rethinking.

But which technologies, business models and developments will determine our life in the future? In his presentation, Stefan Jenzowsky provides glimpses into the year 2025, where cars will no longer have a steering wheel, the family doctor will be replaced by an algorithm and almost everything will be delivered by drone. He demonstrates which professions will no longer exist and which industries will be affected by these developments in the future.


O predavaču

Stefan Jenzowsky is an expert on digital disruption and innovation.

Born in 1971 and raised in Berlin, Stefan studied communication science and psychology at the Free University Berlin and the University of Alabama. After this, he worked as a researcher in consumer research and media interaction research at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich and at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa (USA).

From 1999 to 2006, Stefan was responsible for business innovation at Siemens Communications in Munich. As VP Strategy and Head of Business Innovation he was leading a think tank for new business models in telecommunications. In this think tank, disruptive innovations were developed, piloted and introduced to the market.

After this, Stefan became Partner at trommsdorff + drüner innovation + marketing consultants, consulting companies from the automotive, media, and telecommunications industries in developing and introducing innovative new services and products. His focus was on consumer interaction and new digital products and business models.

From 2007 to 2010, Stefan was the managing director of the start-up company moreTV Broadcasting GmbH in Potsdam-Babelsberg, developing innovative TV centric services like adaptive intelligent video recorders that know what I want to watch in advance.

Since October 2010, Stefan was heading the Multimedia business unit at Siemens Convergence Creators (former Communication, Media, and Technology) in Vienna, being P&L responsible for the telecommunication and media businesses.

Since October 2014, he is responsible for new products within Siemens Convergence Creators (Vienna/Berlin), with brings him in frequent contact with Start-Up companies and innovators in Europe and in Silicon Valley.

Stefan has co-authored various publications, including the book "Die Zukunft des Fernsehens - The Future of Television". Together with Sven Gabor Janszky, Stefan also wrote the book "Rulebreaker. Wie Menschen denken, deren Ideen die Welt verändern" (Rule breaker - how people think whose ideas change the world"), which stormed the German business book charts in 2011.

With Sven, Stefan had previously founded 2bAhead, Europe’s largest think tank on future research and foresight. At 2bAhead, Stefan serves in the advisory board and takes care of seed investments in digital start-up companies.

If time permits, he is teaching at universities (Karlshochschule International University or European Business School) or speaking as an expert on digital disruption (see the description at 5-Sterne Redner: https://www.5-sterne-redner.de/en/speakers/stefan-jenzowsky/). For Management Circle, he is composing and moderating the annual conference series "Disrupt", which brings together disruptive start-ups with established companies.

Autor: Danko Ivošević
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