Odjel za upravljačke sustave

Odjel za upravljačke sustave - Teorija, projektiranje i primjena upravljačkih sustava. Obuhvaća komponente i integraciju ovih komponenata što je potrebno za konstrukciju ovakvih sustava. Riječ „sustav“ koja je ovdje upotrijebljena bit će interpretirana tako da uključi fizičke, biološke i organizacijske subjekte kao i kombinaciju koja može biti zastupljena pomoću matematičke simbolike. Interesno područje će sadržavati znanstvene, tehničke, industrijske ili neke druge aktivnosti koje doprinose ovom području ili koristiti tehnologiju ili proizvode iz ovog područja.

Odjel ima studentske ogranke na sveučilištima u Osijeku, Rijeci i Zagrebu. 
Vodstvo odjela
Mandat do 31. 12. 2023.
Jadranko Matuško
Željko Ban

Hrvatska sekcija IEEE, CS odjel, pozivaju vas na predavanje:


From biological models to bio-inspired robots


koje ce Dr. Thomas Schmickl, profesor na Department of Zoology, Karl-Franzens-University Graz, i voditelj Artificial Life Laboratory, odrzati u cetvrtak, 05.04.2012., u Sivoj vjecnici FERa, s pocetkom u 13:00 sati.


Biografija predavaca i sazetak predavanja nalaze se u nastavku vijesti.


Biological systems show an impressive ability of controlling their inner state, characterized as homeostasis. Each organisms can be seen as a decentralized dynamic system and can be studied by mathematical top-down modeling and by multi-agent simulation (bottom) up. This talk illustrates how collective homeostasis (self-organization) and collective decision making (swarm intelligence) of honeybees is explored by mathematical models and agent based simulation. Insights gained by these models have lead to novel algorithms executed by autonomous agents (robotic swarms). In another presented study, artificial evolution algorithms  adapt the control and the motion of  self-reconfigurable modular robotic organisms through artificial hormone systems and through a process called "virtual embryogenesis".


Short CV:

In the last decade, Dr. Schmickl (http://zool33.uni-graz.at/schmickl/personal) performed research
on social insects’ collective intelligence (swarm intelligence) and in the field of biological modelling. His areas of studies are also animal physiology, ethology, biological modelling and ecology. Since 2003, he is involved (also as leading scientist) in various projects in the field of bio-inspired robotics, swarmrobotics and evolutionary robotics. He achieved his PhD in 2001 and, after several years on post-doc positions, became guest professor in the US in 2007 and assistant professor in Austria (Graz) in 2007. In 2012 he became associated professor in Austria (Graz). After founding the AL-Lab, he established several robot-swarms in the laboratory (Jasmine, Hemisson, ePuck, Thermobots, Antbots), which are currently subject of his research activities.

He published 68 scientific articles in peer reviewed journals, series and book chapters. He published
several chapters in scientific books and his work was covered by public media (TV, radio, newspapers) several times in the last years. Robotic swarms from his lab were shown several times in exhibitions (museum) and in school presentations to the youth.

Besides several nationally funded projects,which focus on collective honeybee behaviour,Dr. Schmickl was involved in the EU-funded projects I-SWARM (FP6), SYMBRION (FP7) and REPLICATOR (FP7), and is leading scientist and coordinator in CoCoRo (FP7), which all focus on group-level bio-inspired robotics. He developed several bio-inspired control algorithms for robotic swarms, hormone-inspired control programs (AHHS) and new artificial embryology as a novel concept to generate artificial neural networks in an evolvable manner. In the last years,Dr. Schmickl supervised an interdisciplinary group of 10+ employed scientists in the AL-Lab.

Autor: Stjepan Bogdan
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