Odjel za elektromagnetsku kompatibilnost

Elektromagnetska kompatibilnost (engl. Electromagnetic Compatibility, skr. EMC) definirana je kao sposobnost uređaja, opreme ili sustava da zadovoljavajuće radi u svom elektromagnetskom okruženju, tj. da radi u namijenjenim operacijskim uvijetima sa zadanim nivoima učinkovitosti bez pogoršanja zbog elektromagnetskih međudjelovanja, kao i da svojim radom ne uzrokuje neželjene elektromagnetske smetnje bilo čemu u tom okruženju.
Poboljšanje elektromagnetske kompatibilnosti uključuje rad u sljedećim područjima:
  1. Razvoj inženjerskih standarda
  2. Razvoj numeričkih modela
  3. Tehnike mjerenja i testne procedure
  4. Instrumenti za mjerenje
  5. Karakteristike sustava i opreme, kao što su osjetljivost (otpornost), povredljivost, odgovarajući efekti širenja, i subjektivni efekti
  6. Unaprijeđenje tehnika i komponenata
  7. Edukacija o elektromagnetskoj kompatibilnosti
  8. Studije o podrijetlu interferencija, umjetnih, kao i prirodnih, i njihove klasifikacije
  9. EM-zaštita
  10. Tehnike štićenja
  11. Nuspojave djelovanja elektromagnetske energije
  12. Znanstvene, tehničke, industrijske, profesionalne ili neke druge aktivnosti, koje dopridonose ovom području, ili koriste tehnike ili proizvode ovog područja.
Vodstvo odjela
Mandat do 31. 12. 2025.
Maja Skiljo
Anna Sušnjara


Poštovani članovi IEEE EMC Society

IEEE EMC Society organizira online seminar kojeg će održati istaknuti
predavač (Distinguished Lecturer) Prof. Ji Chen, University of Houston.
Seminar će se održati u petak 10.12.2010. s početkom u 13:00 i trajanjem
do 15:30 h po *američkom centralnom vremenu* (Central Standard Time

Po našem vremenu to je od 20:00 h do 22:30 h - prekasni termin da bismo
organizirali zajedničko praćenje seminara, ali zainteresirani ga mogu
pratiti na vlastitom računalu. U prilogu su sažeci predavanja.

Seminar je namijenjen članovima IEEE EMC Society.

Srdačan pozdrav,
Damir Senić
Blagajnik Odjela za elektromagnetsku kompatibilnost Hrvatske sekcije
(IEEE EMCS Croatia Chapter)

Raspored i sažeci predavanja:

1) Central Time 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Title: "EMC/EMI issues in biomedical research"

Abstract: The interactions between electromagnetic signals and
biomedical systems lead to safety considerations for medical devices and
patients. In this talk, we will present some recent investigations on
the EMC/EMI issues related to these scenarios. In particular, we will
discuss 1) safety evaluation for pregnant woman under walk-through metal
detector, 2) thermal and temperature evaluation of pregnant woman models
under MRI RF coil, 3) effects of implantable devices within human
subject models under MRI coils, and 4) the interactions between
vehicular mounted antenna and bystanders with implantable medical



2) Central Time 2:15 PM - 3:30 PM

Title: "Design/modeling for periodic nano structures for EMC/EMI"

Abstract: Periodic structures exhibit many interesting electromagnetic
characteristics. However, efficient electromagnetic modeling of these
structures in time domain are often difficult, in particular if the
electromagnetic sources have finite extend. In this talk, we shall
review some new development in this area, such as spectral FDTD for
periodic structure modeling, the array-scanning-method (ASM) FDTD
modeling of the interactions between finite-sized electromagnetic and
periodic structures, and the effective electrical parameters extraction
for composite material using these techniques for EMC applications.



Ji Chen received the Bachelor's degree from Huazhong University of
Science and Technology, China, the Master's degree from McMaster
University, Canada, in 1994, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1998, all in electrical engineering. He
is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, TX. Prior to
joining the University of Houston, from 1998 to 2001, he was a Staff
Engineer with Motorola Personal Communication Research Laboratories,
Chicago, IL. Dr. Chen has received outstanding teaching award and
outstanding junior faculty research award from College of Engineering at
University of Houston. His research group also received the best student
paper award at IEEE EMC Symposium 2005 and the best paper award from
IEEE APMC conference in 2008.


Autor: Damir Senić
Popis obavijesti
