Odjel za instrumentaciju i mjerenja

Znanost razvoja i korištenja, praćenja i korištenja elektroničkih instrumenata u svrhu mjerenja, praćenja i zabilježavanja različitih fizikalnih fenomena koji mogu, a i ne moraju biti električke prirode. To uključuje analogne i digitalne elektroničke instrumente, sustave i standarde za mjerenje i bilježenje električkih veličina u frekvencijskoj i vremenskoj domeni, te mjerne pretvornike neelektričkih veličina. Predmet zanimanja su također i instrumenti s automatiziranim upravljanjem i analitičkim funkcijama.

Vodstvo odjela
Mandat do 31. 12. 2025.
Mario Hrgetić

Poziv na predavanje: Full field...

Zavod za elektroničke sustave i obradbu informacija i Odjel za instrumentaciju i mjerenja Hrvatske sekcije IEEE pozivaju vas na predavanje 

Full field deformation and vibration measurements of dies and mechanical microstructures by optical interference microscopy techniques

koje će održati dr. sc. Alain Bosseboeuf s instituta Centre for Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies (C2N), CNRS / University Paris Saclay iz Pariza, Francuske, u petak 28. listopada 2022. godine u 10:00 sati u dvorani D-160.

Predavanje je na engleskom jeziku, a predviđeno trajanje s raspravom je 60 minuta. Predavanje je otvoreno za sve zainteresirane, a posebno pozivamo doktorske studente i studente na kolegiju Senzorske tehnologije.

Više informacija o predavanju i predavaču pročitajte u opširnijem sadržaju obavijesti.


Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) are based on the deformation, motion or vibrations of mechanical microstructures made in semiconductors, piezoelectric materials and/or metals. Optical techniques are commonly used for more than 20 years in our team and worldwide for the non-contact characterization of the fabrication process and electro-thermo-mechanical behavior of these microstructures with a vertical resolution in the nanometer range or below, and a lateral resolution related to optical magnification. In this talk, we will report on recent results obtained on various films and MEMS physical microsensors with in-house constructed monochromatic or white light interference microscopy systems and with other optical systems. An emphasis will be put on issues and solutions for measurements in vacuum, across wide temperature range, and on time-averaged interferometry that is not widely used for the detection of resonant frequencies and vibration modes. 

Životopis predavača

Alain Bosseboeuf has master degrees in microelectronics and in Solid State Physics and an engineer diploma in telecommunications. He received the PhD degree in Physics from University Paris South (Orsay) in 1989. In 1983-2016 he worked as a full-time CNRS researcher on thin films, MEMS and wafer-level packaging technologies in Institut d’Electronique Fondamentale (IEF). In May 2016, he joined the Centre for Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies (C2N) of CNRS and University Paris Saclay. In close collaboration with Asst. Prof. Philippe Coste in C2N and Sylvain Petitgrand from Fogale Nanotech company, he has more than 20 years’ experience on the development of optical profilometry and vibrometry techniques and their applications to thin films, microstructures, and wafer-level packaging characterization. He is co-author of 30 papers in international journals or conferences and of a book chapter on this topic.

Autor: Dinko Oletić
Popis obavijesti