Odjel za instrumentaciju i mjerenja

Znanost razvoja i korištenja, praćenja i korištenja elektroničkih instrumenata u svrhu mjerenja, praćenja i zabilježavanja različitih fizikalnih fenomena koji mogu, a i ne moraju biti električke prirode. To uključuje analogne i digitalne elektroničke instrumente, sustave i standarde za mjerenje i bilježenje električkih veličina u frekvencijskoj i vremenskoj domeni, te mjerne pretvornike neelektričkih veličina. Predmet zanimanja su također i instrumenti s automatiziranim upravljanjem i analitičkim funkcijama.

Vodstvo odjela
Mandat do 31. 12. 2025.
Mario Hrgetić

Poziv na predavanje: Current...

Zavod za elektroničke sustave i obradbu informacija i Odjel za instrumentaciju i mjerenja Hrvatske sekcije IEEE pozivaju vas na predavanje 

Current development of Earth Observation techniques for monitoring and management of agroforestry systems

koje će, u okviru istraživačkog projekta HRZZ SENSIRRIKA Advanced sensor systems for precision irrigation in karst landscape, održati profesor Guido D'urso, Universita' degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, u petak24. siječnja 2020. godine u 10:00 sati, u dvorani D160 Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Unska 3, Zagreb.

Predavanje se održava na engleskom jeziku. Predviđeno trajanje predavanja je 60 min. Predavanje je otvoreno za sve zainteresirane, a posebice studente!

Više o predavanju pročitajte u nastavku obavijesti.

During recent years there has been much progress in understanding land surface-atmosphere processes and their parameterisation in the management of land and water resources. Earth Observations techniques in different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum have been used for more than three decades to monitor land surface. Nowadays, these techniques are ready for being transferred to operative applications in the field of land and water engineering, and especially for the management of water resources in agriculture. In the same time, technological developments of new generation of remote sensors – with improved spatial and/or temporal resolution- provide the opportunity for new observational and modelling perspectives.

In this work, a brief overview of current techniques and recent developments for the management of water resources in agriculture experienced by the University of Naples “Federico II” will be given, with particular emphasis to the following issues:

- estimation of land surface parameters, i.e. biomass, Leaf Area Index, soil water content;

- estimation of water balance terms, i.e. evapotranspiration and crop water requirements.

New techniques in the acquisition and processing of Earth Observation data may improve the accuracy of estimation of these parameters and terms, with great benefits for a better understanding and analysis of land and water resources.

Examples of operational applications and the involvement of ICTs for the distribution of information products will be described.

Keywords: Earth Observation satellites, water resources, evapotranspiration, Leaf Area Index.

Autor: Vedran Bilas
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