Odjel za robotiku i automatizaciju

Ovaj odjel zanima se za teme iz područja teorije i primjene robotike i automatizacije. Pod robotikom se ovdje prvenstveno podrazumijeva zanimanje za inteligentne strojeve i sustave korištene, na primjer, u istraživanju okoliša (podmorja, svemira), pružanju usluga ljudima, ili u naprednoj proizvodnji. Pod automatizacijom se prvenstveno podrazumijeva zanimanje za primjenu automatizacijskih metoda i postupaka u tvornicama, uredima, kućanstvima ili, na primjer, u transportnim sustavima s ciljem povećanja njihove djelotvornosti i produktivnosti.

Vodstvo odjela
Mandat do 31. 12. 2024.
Ivan Marković
Tamara Petrović

Centar istraživačke izvrsnosti za napredne kooperativne sustave ACROSS i Odjel za robotiku i automatizaciju hrvatske sekcije IEEE pozivaju vas na predavanje:


"Research at KIT-IPR: From industrial robotics to human-robot cooperation"


koje će održati Denis Štogl, mag.ing. u ponedjeljak, 22.12.2014., na Fakultetu elektrotehnike i računarstva (prostorija TCR) s početkom u 11:00h. Sažetak predavanja i kratki životopis predavača nalaze se u nastavku vijesti. 

The talk will give a short overview regarding the research topics of the Intelligent Industrial Robotics Group (IIROB) from the Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics (IAR) - Intelligent Process Control and Robotics (IPR) (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)). The research projects of this group range from the classical industrial robotics field to human-robot cooperation with a focus on direct physical interaction. From both of these fields one exemplary project will be presented in detail. The SkillPro project is a research project funded by the 7th Framework Program of the the European Union. Its vision is to bring smart reconfigurable manufacturing systems into application. As representative of the industrial-robotics research SkillPro considers modern production system as a combination of cyber-physical assets that offer different skills. Main questions for the IIROB-Group are (1) How to describe different robots and machines with different skills to achieve the Plug&Produce concept and (2) how to control execution of skills in a way to enable flexible but robust cooperation and composition of different assets. The second project is more related to the societal challenges regarding the demographic change: "Technical support for physical activation of persons with mild cognitive impairment". Main idea is to train people with a specialized robotic training system. Recently a pilot-study was finished in cooperation with the Central Institute of Mental Health from Mannheim. The concept of this study and the description of the developed robotic system will be presented.

Denis Štogl received the M.S. degree in electrical engineering and information technology with profile in control engineering and automation from Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb. From 2013 he is research assistant at Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics (IAR) - Intelligent Process Control and Robotics (IPR) (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)). As a member of Intelligent Industrial Robotics Group is currently involved in a few national and EU research projects mainly focused on mobile and industrial robotics. His research interests include innovative concepts for description and control of robots in industrial context and human-robot cooperation with a focus on direct physical interaction. He is currently working on SkillPro (EU), one national project and as active member of Robotics group in AutomationML association.

Autor: Tamara Petrović
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