Odjel za robotiku i automatizaciju

Ovaj odjel zanima se za teme iz područja teorije i primjene robotike i automatizacije. Pod robotikom se ovdje prvenstveno podrazumijeva zanimanje za inteligentne strojeve i sustave korištene, na primjer, u istraživanju okoliša (podmorja, svemira), pružanju usluga ljudima, ili u naprednoj proizvodnji. Pod automatizacijom se prvenstveno podrazumijeva zanimanje za primjenu automatizacijskih metoda i postupaka u tvornicama, uredima, kućanstvima ili, na primjer, u transportnim sustavima s ciljem povećanja njihove djelotvornosti i produktivnosti.

Vodstvo odjela
Mandat do 31. 12. 2024.
Ivan Marković
Tamara Petrović

Predavanje "Girona Underwater...

H2020 projekt "EXCELLABUST - Excelling LABUST in marine robotics" i IEEE Hrvatska sekcija, Odjel za robotiku i automatizaciju vas pozivaju na predavanje


"Girona Underwater Vision and Robotics lab:

AUVs for inspection and intervention" 


kojeg će održati Prof. Marc CarrerasComputer Vision and Robotics Research Institute, University of Girona (Španjolska). 

Predavanje će se održati u srijedu, 20. siječnja 2016. s početkom u 15:00 sati u Sivoj vijećnici na Fakultetu elektrotehnike i računarstva.

Više o predavaču i predavanju možete naći u nastavku obavijesti i ovdje.


Girona Underwater Vision and Robotics research lab has a strong experience in the design and development of hovering AUV prototypes for different applications going from inspection to intervention. Several AUV prototypes have been designed during the last 10 years, all of them having a different conceptual design, and being GIRONA 500 AUV and SPARUS II AUV the currently operative platforms. The talk will summarise the research activities of the lab in AUV capabilities for inspection and intervention. Real-time sensor processing is used for mapping, target identification and motion planning, allowing a close inspection of the underwater structures. Hovering AUVs equipped with a manipulator are able to recover a target, turn a valve or plug a connector from different configurations and using different techniques. A review of the work done will be given pointing out future steps for making these new AUVs capabilities, available for scientific or industrial applications.



Marc Carreras (MSc 1998, PhD 2003) is Associate Professor in the Computer Engineering Department at UdG, and member of the VICOROB group working in the CIRS laboratory. He holds a B.S. degree in Industrial Engineering (1998) and PhD in Computer Engineering (2003, Best PhD award) from the University of Girona. Since 1999, he has participated in 14 research projects (6 European and 8 National), he is author of more than 80 publications, and he has directed 3 PhDs thesis (3 more under direction). His research activity is mainly focused on underwater robotics in research topics such as intelligent control architectures, robot learning, path planning, AUV design, modelling and identification.

Autor: Nikola Mišković
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