WIE (Women in Engineering) Affinity Group

Wie logo WIE (engl. Women in Engineering) predstavlja skupinu IEEE članica i članova koji su prepoznali i pridružili se nastojanju IEEE-a da inspirira, uključi, ohrabri i ojača stručni i društveni angažman žena - inženjerki i znanstvenica - širom svijeta. Ova interesna skupina raznovrsnim aktivnostima promovira žene u struci i podržava ih u razvoju stručne karijere.To je najveća međunarodna stručna udruga s takvim ciljevima. WIE sada ima više od 250 interesnih skupina širom svijeta s preko 11.000 članica i članova. 
Hrvatska WIE interesna skupina osnovana je 27. listopada 2009., ima 34 članice i člana, te 10 počasnih gošći, nositeljica "Zlatne diplome" FER-a.
Vodstvo skupine
Mandat do 31. 12. 2025.
Anamari Nakić
Martina Kutija

Poziv na predavanje: dr. sc. Iva...

Zavod za telekomunikacije FER-a, IEEE ComSoc Croatia Chapter, IEEE Computer Croatia Chapter i IEEE Women in Engineering - Croatia kao organizatori Vas pozivaju na predavanje

Choosing the right home location definition for the given dataset​


koje će održati
dr. sc. Iva Bojić


iz SENSEable City Laboratory,
Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, Singapore, Singapore
ponedjeljak, 19. rujna 2016. godine u 13.00 sati, TCR, FER

Predvidio trajanje predavanja je 50 min. Predavanje je otvoreno za sve zainteresirane, a posebno pozivamo studente preddiplomskog i diplomskog studija.


Ever since first mobile phones equipped with Global Position System (GPS) came to the market, knowing the exact user location has become a holy grail of almost every service that lives in the digital world. Starting with the idea of location based services, nowadays it is not enough to know user location in form of latitude longitude coordinates provided by GPS devices, but also to give a place its meaning (i.e. semantically label it), in particular detecting the most probable home location for the given user. In this lecture we will provide novel insights on differences among the ways how different types of human digital trails represent the actual mobility patterns and therefore the differences between the approaches interpreting those trails for inferring said patterns.
Iva is a computer scientist with a research emphasis in urban studies and telecommunications. She holds two masters – one in Computer Science and the other one in Mathematics, both of which are from University of Zagreb, Croatia. Her doctoral thesis on “Self-organizing Synchronization in Machine-to-Machine Communication Systems” was awarded the Dean’s award for outstanding doctoral dissertation and particularly successful scientific research. In 2012 Iva received the “Google Anita Borg” award from Google for strength of academic performance, leadership experience and demonstrated passion for computer science. The same year she was also awarded the “Richard E. Merwin” award by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEEE) organization for demonstrating outstanding involvement in IEEE and excellence in academic achievement.

Autor: Željka Car
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