Odjel za komunikacije

Odjel za komunikacije obuhvaća znanost, tehnologiju i aplikacije koje podržavaju prijenos i organizaciju informacija različitih vrsta medija i formata kroz komunikacijske mreže i kanale. Navedeno može uključivati:

  • Arhitekturu, kontrolu, upravljanje, učinkovitost i primjene elektroničkih, optičkih i bežičnih komunikacijskih mreža;
  • Tehnologije i servisi za postojeće mreže i mreže u nastajanju te Internet;
  • Teorije i metode modulacije, detekcije, kodiranja i signalizacije kroz kanale, oblikovanje i vođenje mreža s komutacijom paketa i mreža s komutacijom kanala;
  • Sustave za komutiranje i usmjeravanje;
  • Komunikacijske protokole, programsku podršku i programe koji djeluju između aplikacije i mreže;
  • Metode za postizanje kvalitete i pouzdanosti usluge;
  • Komunikacijske sposobnosti terminala, uređaja i informacijskih sustava;
  • Komunikacijske standarde i specifikacije;
  • Utjecaj komunikacijskih tehnologija na društvo i pojedinca.

Web sjedište matičnog društva IEEE Communications Society je www.comsoc.org.

Trenutačno postoji jedan studentski ogranak Odjela za komunikacije, pridružen Studentskom ogranku Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.

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Mandat do 31. 12. 2024.
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Poziv na predavanje (online):...

Poštovani članovi,

Zavod za telekomunikacije (FER, Sveučilište u Zagrebu) i Odjel za komunikacije Hrvatske sekcije IEEE pozivaju Vas na predavanje:
"Driverless Cars: Alice or Bob?"
koje će održati Brian M. Sadler, SAD u utorak 17. studeni 2020. godine, od 16:00-17:00 sati putem platforme Webex.

Predavanje je organizirano u sklopu programa IEEE ComSoc Virtual Distinguished Lecturer Program.  

Zainteresirane sudionike molimo da se registriraju putem sljedeće poveznice, a najkasnije do 16. 11. 2020:


Poveznica za spajanje na platformu Webex bit će poslana naknadno.

Predviđeno trajanje predavanja je 60 min. Predavanje je otvoreno za sve zainteresirane a posebno pozivamo studente!

Više o predavanju i o predavaču pročitajte u opširnijem sadržaju obavijesti.

Sažetak predavanja:
You are driving with an expert passenger named Alice. She watches how you drive, and assesses your every move, reaction, or lack of reaction, patiently waiting to provide help. Bob, on the other hand, will be your chauffer, and you let him take over. This is the driverless car, and you are entirely reliant on Bob’s expertise. Whom do you choose, Alice or Bob?
The race to full autonomy is on, but smart infrastructure is needed for mass adoption. This requires resilient coordination, self-healing networks, learning, and rapid collaborative decision making with humans and machines. The problem difficulty is driven by environmental variation and complexity, tempo, and interaction between autonomous and human operation, while design is complicated by heterogeneity, scale, and communications rate.

Biografija predavača:
Brian M. Sadler (Fellow IEEE, Fellow ARL) is the Army Senior Scientist for Intelligent Systems at the Army Research Laboratory (ARL) in Adelphi, MD, and lectured at Johns Hopkins University in communications and signal processing for 15 years. He has been an Associate and Guest Editor for a variety of journals in communications, signal processing, and robotics, including the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, and IEEE Transactions on Robotics, as well as IEEE JSTSP, IEEE SP Magazine, International Journal of Robotics Research, and Autonomous Robots.  He received Best Paper Awards from the IEEE Signal Processing Society in 2006 and 2010, was a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE SPS Society in 2017-2018, and was General Co-Chair of the 2016 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP’16). His research areas have included radio and optical communications, sensor networking, autonomous multi-agent networking and control, physical layer security, semantic knowledge bases, aeroacoustics, and mixed-signal integrated circuit architectures. His current focus is on multi-disciplinary approaches to distributed intelligent systems, incorporating communications networking, distributed processing, learning, and control. This includes collaborative autonomy that blends resilient networking and processing, physical layer techniques for robust security and authentication, and new ways for using low-VHF communications in complex environments.


Autor: Lea Skorin-Kapov
Popis obavijesti