Odjel za upravljačke sustave

Odjel za upravljačke sustave - Teorija, projektiranje i primjena upravljačkih sustava. Obuhvaća komponente i integraciju ovih komponenata što je potrebno za konstrukciju ovakvih sustava. Riječ „sustav“ koja je ovdje upotrijebljena bit će interpretirana tako da uključi fizičke, biološke i organizacijske subjekte kao i kombinaciju koja može biti zastupljena pomoću matematičke simbolike. Interesno područje će sadržavati znanstvene, tehničke, industrijske ili neke druge aktivnosti koje doprinose ovom području ili koristiti tehnologiju ili proizvode iz ovog područja.

Odjel ima studentske ogranke na sveučilištima u Osijeku, Rijeci i Zagrebu. 
Vodstvo odjela
Mandat do 31. 12. 2023.
Jadranko Matuško
Željko Ban

Poziv na predavanje

Hrvatska sekcija IEEE, CS/RA odjeli pozivaju Vas na predavanje:


Real-time control for future stable and economically efficient power grids


koje će Ana Virag, studentica na doktorskom studiju na Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, Control Systems Group, održati 22.12.2012, u Sivoj vijecnici, s pocetkom u 10 sati.


Osim strucnog dijela predavanja, Ana će govoriti i o svojim iskustvima studiranja u inozemstvu.

Više o predavanju procitajte u nastavku obavijesti.

The presentation consists of two parts. The first part is about obtaining the PhD title in the Netherlands, from professional and personal point of view. The second part is about the project I am involved with, E - Price (Price-based control of electrical power systems), see http://www.e-price-project.eu/website/TLL/eprice.php?OPId=13, and the research I am carrying out.


The EU electric power system experiences a fundamental change in the quasi-monopolistic, stable, and reasonable predictable arrangements of the past. It now spans continents, has hundreds of millions consumers and hundreds of thousands of producers, from nuclear power plants to privately-owned and operated badly predictable renewables such as solar cells, wind and microturbines and operates in an increasingly liberalized market.

These developments pose huge challenges for its reliable and economic operation. Our research focuses on the real-time power imbalance in the power net, which arises as a consequence of errors in the prediction of both production and demand. As this power imbalance will increase both in size and in frequency, presents arrangements to cope with this imbalance are no longer valid. They are neither reliable nor economic anymore.

We investigate an advanced ICT and control framework for reserve capacity, which allows a more intelligent solution by giving consumers and producers clear, real-time financial incentives to adapt their consumption/production according to the actual needs of the power system. This design is based on a distributed control structure, enabled by a fast ICT infrastructure and advanced control theory to reliably and economically deal with the necessary ancillary services. Decisions by consumers, producers, power exchanges and TSOs can be taken locally, based on local or national preferences and regulation. Still, the embedded incentives of the proposed framework can guarantee that all these local decisions together contribute to the global objectives of the EE power net: a reliable electric energy supply at the lowest costs.

Instead of investing in additional expensive and environment-unfriendly reserve production or storage facilities with a low utilization rate, the reliability and economy are enforced by control and intelligent ICT.

Autor: Stjepan Bogdan
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