Zajednički odjel za elektroničke elemente / poluvodičke integrirane sklopove


Područje interesa Odjela za elektroničke elemente uključuje sve elemente temeljene na elektronima i ionima koji generiraju ili su u interakciji s fotoelektričnim, elektromagnetskim, elektromehaničkim, elektro-termalnim i bioelektričnim signalima.


Područje interesa Odjela za poluvodičke integrirane sklopove uključuje projektiranje, implementaciju i primjenu poluvodičkih integriranih sklopova.

Vodstvo odjela - Mandat do 31.12.2025.

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Odjel za elektroničke elemente / poluvodičke integrirane sklopove i Odjel za obrazovanje Hrvatske sekcije IEEE pozivaju vas na predavanje


Uses of Systematic Literature Review in Education and Research


koje će održati Branimir Pejčinović, redoviti profesor na Portland State University, Oregon, USA

u ponedjeljak, 22. prosinca 2014. u 15 sati u Sivoj vijećnici Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.


Understanding prior art or state-of-the-art is something that all researcher are familiar with. All researchers have some idea what ''literature review'' means and can probably explain to students what it is and how to do it. There is evidence, however, that learning this process is not as easy as we normally assume and that even when it is taught it is done in less than systematic fashion. Furthermore, systematic literature reviews (SLR) have become research sub-specialties in some fields such as medicine and software engineering. We have very recently started using SLR approach in graduate electrical engineering class on solid state electronics with two goals: a) improving students' understanding of SLR by applying the method to a relevant topic, and b) using SLR as a method to teach topics from solid-state physics. Our working hypotheses are: a) situating SLR in a specific course content and context is pedagogically more effective than teaching it as a stand-alone topic, and b) SLR (or similar methods) help with student learning of topics that are of interest in a given course. If true, this is a win-win situation. We will report on some initial experiences and observations and propose a specific protocol that can be implemented in other courses. Finally, it should be stressed that only if learning of such skills is dispersed across entire curriculum can we expect students to really learn this valuable skill.


Short bio of Branimir Pejcinovic

Branimir Pejcinovic received his B.S. degree from University of Zagreb, and M.S. and  Ph.D. degrees from University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He is a Professor and former Associate Chair for Undergraduate Education at Portland State University, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. In this role he led department-wide changes in curriculum with emphasis on project- and lab-based instruction and learning. His research interests are in the areas of semiconductor device characterization, design and simulation, signal integrity and THz sensors. He is a member of IEEE and ASEE.

Autor: Aleksandar Szabo
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