Odjel industrijske primjene

Područje djelovnja Odjela industrijske primjene je unaprijeđenje teorije i primjene inženjerstva u razvoju, oblikovanju, proizvodnji i primjeni električkih sustava, uređaja, aparata i upravljanja procesa i opreme u industriji; promocija sigurnih, pouzdanih i ekonomski isplativih instalacija; nužnost industrije kao predvodnice u pitanjima očuvanja energije i okoliša, zdravlja i sigurnosti; stvaranje inženjerskih standarada i postupaka; profesionalni razvoj članova.

Odjel industrijske primjene Hrvatske sekcije IEEE osnovan je 30. travnja 2008. godine.

Odjel za industrijske primjene ima jedan studentski odjel, koji djeluje u okviru Studentskog ogranka Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.

Vodstvo odjela
Mandat do 31. 12. 2025.
Martina Kutija
Luka Pravica

Poziv na predavanje Energy...


Odjel za elektroenergetiku i i Odjel za industrijske primjene Hrvatske Sekcije IEEE pozivaju vas na predavanje
Energy Positioning: Control and Economics
02. listopada 2012. u 11 h u Zapadnoj Europi (Zavod za visoki napon i energetiku)
Predavač je Hrvoje Pandžić, koji se trenutno nalazi na poslijedoktorskom usavršavanju na University of Washington (Seattle) gdje sudjeluje na projektu Energy Positioning: Control and Economics. Projekt je u ranoj fazi (prvih 6 mjeseci), a na predavanju će prezentirati plan projekta i dosadašnji tijek istraživanja. U nastavku se nalazi službeni opis projekta.


PROJECT: Energy Positioning: Control and Economics
ORGANIZATION: University of Washington
ARPA-E AWARD: $1,423,330
TECH TOPIC: Electricity Transmission & Distribution
PROJECT TERM: 3/1/12 – 2/28/15
WEBSITE: www.arpa-e.energy.gov/ProgramsProjects/GENI.aspx
The U.S. electric grid is outdated and inefficient. There is a critical need to modernize the way electricity is delivered from suppliers to consumers. Modernizing the grid’s hardware and software could help reduce peak power demand, increase the use of renewable energy, save consumers money on their power bills, and reduce total energy consumption—among many other notable benefits.
The University of Washington and the University of Michigan are developing an integrated system to match well-positioned energy storage facilities with precise control technologies so the electric grid can more easily include energy from renewable power sources like wind and solar. Because renewable energy sources provide intermittent power, it is difficult for the grid to efficiently allocate those resources without developing solutions to store their energy for later use. The two universities are working with utilities, regulators, and the private sector to position renewable energy storage facilities in locations that optimize their ability to provide and transmit electricity where and when it is needed most. Expanding the network of transmission lines is prohibitively expensive, so combining well-placed storage facilities with robust control systems to efficiently route their power will save consumers money and enable the widespread use of safe, renewable sources of power.
If successful, this energy positioning system would enable future use of renewable energy while reducing the burden on traditional power plants and improving the reliability of the electric grid.
• SECURITY: A more efficient, reliable grid would be more resilient to potential disruptions from failure, natural disasters, or attack.
• ENVIRONMENT: Enabling increased use of wind and solar power would result in a substantial decrease in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the U.S.—40% of which are produced by electricity generation.
• ECONOMY: A more efficient and reliable grid would help protect U.S. businesses from costly power outages and brownouts that stop automated equipment, bring down factories, and crash computers.
• JOBS: Advances in grid software could result in new high-paying jobs in supporting sectors such as engineering and information technology.
Autor: Hrvoje Pandžić
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