Young Professionals Affinity group


IEEE STEP - Understand your cultural...

IEEE Young Professionals Hrvatska poziva vas na sudjelovanje u STEP (Student Transition & Elevation Partnership) radionici "Understand your cultural background so you can improve as an innovator and entrepreneur" koju će održati Nolan Sharp iz Udruge Fokus.

Cilj radionice je pružiti uvid kako pojedine značajke kulture i okoline u kojoj se pojedinac nalazi utječu na njegovu inovativnost, te kako utječu na poduzetništvo. Radionica će se održati u utorak 30. lipnja u 18h u dvorani TCR na Fakultetu elektrotehnike i računarstva, na engleskom jeziku. Više informacija o temi i voditelju radionice pročitajte u nastavku obavijesti.


Dozens of other regions have tried to copy Silicon Valley, usually without great results. There is a culture to innovative regions, companies, and teams that is essential to their success, and culture can be very hard to describe and analyze, let alone copy. What resources - and challenges - for innovation lie in your cultural background? Working from Geert Hofstede’s landmark study of cultural dimensions ( and EU analysis of their effects on innovation, we will spend our time together understanding this model, the cultures of our home nations, and your personal cultural values. This will help you better grasp how to use your background positively to be innovative and entrepreneurial.


Nolan Sharp has BS and MS degrees in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, where he also taught digital design classes, plus a Masters in Theology from Bethel Seminary in Minnesota. He worked for Hewlett-Packard in Cupertino, California doing chip design for enterprise server systems, but that was a long time ago. For the last 14 years he has lived in Zagreb, Croatia with his wife Sandra (who is Croatian, which helps to start explain things) and two sons. He leads a part of the Croatian NGO "Udruga Fokus" that works with business professionals, which takes him back to Silicon Valley every other summer for two months.

Autor: Ivana Stupar
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