Odjel za tehniku u medicini i biologiji

Područje interesa Odjela obuhvaća sva područja biomedicinskog inženjerstva kao interdisciplinarnog područja primjene inženjerskih znanja u medicini i biologiji. Rad članova Odjela uključuje primjenu matematičkih metoda, eksperimentalne postupke, razvoj novih tehnologija te praktične kliničke aplikacije. Odjel također provodi obrazovne i profesionalne aktivnosti te suradnju s gospodarstvom.
Vodstvo odjela
Mandat do 31. 12. 2025.
Miroslav Končar 
Luka Jelić

Predavanje „CVD status and risk...

Hrvatsko društvo za medicinsku i biološku tehniku (HDMBT) i Odjel za tehniku u medicini i biologiji (EMB18) Hrvatske sekcije IEEE pozivaju vas na predavanje

"CVD status and risk assessment for pHealth applications"

koje će održati Paulo de Carvalho sa Sveučilišta Coimbra, Portugal.

Predavanje će se održati u petak, 5. veljače 2016. godine u 11 sati u knjižnici ZESOI. Posebno pozivamo studente preddiplomskog, diplomskog i poslijediplomskog studija. U nastavku slijedi kratak sažetak predavanja i životopis predavača.

Abstract: Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in developed countries. Prevention is considered the best strategy to control this chronic disease. Aside from fostering a healthy lifestyle, monitoring and managing the progression of the disease helps avoiding life-critical situations as well as expensive treatments. Moreover, the diagnostic tool chosen to assess the heart condition is also of great importance. A careless selection of the tool may lead to unnecessary and inefficient use of resources and one ought to seek sources of diagnosis less expensive and equally accurate. This talk will introduce some of the solutions for cardiovascular status assessment for pHealth applications, a significant co-morbidity in diabetes, developed at the Clinical Informatics Lab at the University of Coimbra in the context of several recent European research projects. Namely, algorithms to extract relevant information for cardiac status assessment from heart sounds and PPG will be discussed. Furthermore, algorithms for short, mid and long-term (risk) prediction will also be introduced.


Paulo de Carvalho: received his PhD in Informatics Engineering in 2002 from the University of Coimbra, where is an Associate Professor. His main research interests are adaptive computational techniques with application to bio-signals, pattern recognition, modelling and Clinical Informatics. His publications include several book chapters and over 150 papers in refereed international journals and conferences. He was the co-founder of the Clinical Informatics research track at CISUC. He participated in international FP6, FP7 and H2020 research projects such as MyHeart (IST-2002-507816), HeartCycle (FP7 – 216695), HeartWays (FP7-315659), Welcome (FP7-611223) and Link (H2020 -  692023). He served has vice-president of the Instituto de Investigação Interdisciplinar of the University of Coimbra which responsible for the coordination of over 1500 researcher of the University. He was the director of the Informatics Engineering Department of the University of Coimbra between 2011 and 2013. He is a member of the IFMBE Working Group on Clinical Informatics. He regularly acts has expert evaluator and reviewer for European Commission and national organizations.

Autor: Mario Cifrek
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