Odjel za robotiku i automatizaciju

Ovaj odjel zanima se za teme iz područja teorije i primjene robotike i automatizacije. Pod robotikom se ovdje prvenstveno podrazumijeva zanimanje za inteligentne strojeve i sustave korištene, na primjer, u istraživanju okoliša (podmorja, svemira), pružanju usluga ljudima, ili u naprednoj proizvodnji. Pod automatizacijom se prvenstveno podrazumijeva zanimanje za primjenu automatizacijskih metoda i postupaka u tvornicama, uredima, kućanstvima ili, na primjer, u transportnim sustavima s ciljem povećanja njihove djelotvornosti i produktivnosti.

Vodstvo odjela
Mandat do 31. 12. 2024.
Ivan Marković
Tamara Petrović

Predavanje "Eyes in the Ocean"

H2020 projekt "EXCELLABUST - Excelling LABUST in marine robotics",  IEEE Hrvatska sekcija, Odjel za robotiku i automatizaciju, ACROSS CoE - Centre of Excellence for Autonomous and Cooperative Robotic Systems i ZCI-DATACROSS vas pozivaju na predavanje


"Eyes in the Ocean" 


koje će održati Stephen Hall, Society for Underwater Technology, London, UK.


Predavanje će se održati u petak, 13. travnja 2018. s početkom u 13:00 sati u Sivoj vijećnici na Fakultetu elektrotehnike i računarstva. Više o predavaču i predavanju možete naći u nastavku obavijesti.


The talk will look at how new technology is changing how humans interact with the global ocean. Marine autonomous systems and a new generation of advanced and reliable sensors enable remote sensing of the deep ocean and sea floor, exploration for minerals, oil and gas, provision of defence and surveillance and the gathering of oceanographic and biological data for marine spatial management and long-term monitoring of the environment. The cost of advanced ocean technology is reducing quickly, so that even small colleges and ocean enthusiasts will soon be able to explore and protect their local ocean space. Before the middle of this century, robot explorers will even search the oceans of other worlds, with plans to send missions to Europa, Enceladus and Titan taking shape.

Short Bio

Stephen Hall is Chief Executive of the Society for Underwater Technology (www.sut.org) an international marine Learned Society headquartered in London established in 1966 by divers interested in science, today SUT has around 2000 members with branches in 8 countries and members in over 40 with a membership base centred in offshore oil, gas and renewables, marine science, underwater robotics, marine archaeology, salvage, defence, education and diving. 
Steve has worked in marine science, education and policy for nearly 30 years, and was formerly Head of the International Office at the UK's National Oceanography Centre, and vice-chair of UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission. He started off as a coastal and hydrographic surveyor before joining the UK's Natural Environment Research Council in 1990, initially as a tracer chemist on long oceanographic voyages in the Southern and Indian Ocean Oceans before joining the 'Autosub' team to manage science missions for autonomous underwater vehicles. He then worked in climate change research before specialising in ocean policy advising UK, EU and UN officials on a wide range of marine science and technology issues ranging from fishing to energy, marine spatial planning and education. He also served as a specialist in tsunami warning systems for UK territories in the Caribbean and as a member of the Secretariat for the UK government's marine science coordination committee. Steve lives in Wales and enjoys cycling, walking in the hills, and travelling.

Autor: Nikola Mišković
Predavanje "Eyes in the Ocean"
13. travnja 2018. 13:00  -  14:00
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