Odjel za obrazovanje

Obrazovne metode, tehnologije, instrukcijski materijali, obrazovni i profesionalni razvojni programi, dobra obrazovna praksa te popularizacije u području elektrotehnike, računarstva i drugih disciplina u području interesa IEEE-a.

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The IEEE approved Education Society's FIELD OF INTEREST is: "the theory and practice of education and educational technology involved in the effective delivery of domain knowledge of all fields within the scope of interest of IEEE".

All lectures held so far can be found along the right side of the screen, down under:  "Repozitorij" -> "Održana predavanja"

Vodstvo odjela
Mandat do 31. 12. 2025.
Juraj Petrović
Predrag Pale

Odjel za obrazovanje Hrvatske sekcije IEEE poziva vas na predavanje na engleskom jeziku koje će održati prof. ddr. Boris Aberšek sa Sveučilišta u Mariboru Fakulteta za prirodne znanosti i matematiku pod naslovom:

Innovative Transdisciplinary Didactic Models for STEM Teaching / Learning

Kratki sažetak: With the transition to the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0), or the super-smart society (Society 5.0), demands are arising for radical changes in educational paradigms and in methods of knowledge transfer in the field of STEM education, especially in the field of technology and engineering (TE) education. Knowledge must be related to competences, and competences must be related to the ability and skill of solving concrete problems in everyday life, which is a fundamental task of all engineering professions.

In this lecture, we will attempt to provide a broader, transdiciplinary outlook on the issue of engineering education. Solutions to real-life problems always require extensive knowledge of different (STEM) areas, which is why we will emphasize the role and importance of cyber didactics, which focuses on closed cycles, research-based learning and problem-based learning – and these approaches will be used to highlight the importance of stimulating curiosity and a comprehensive approach to education by solving perhaps somewhat simplified, but still real problems.

Predavanje će se održati na ovoj poveznici na Zoom platformi u četvrtak 30.9.2021. s početkom u 15:00 sati. Životopis predavača pročitajte u nastavku ove obavijesti.

Prof. dr. Boris Aberšek has 14 years industrial experience and approx. 30 years experiences in education. His first PhD. is from the area of Mechanical Engineering (1993), connected with the optimization and visual presentation on the base of expert system and artificial intelligence (genetics algorithm). His second PhD. is from the area of philosophy of science (2014), connected with the area of philosophy of mind, cognitive science and studying connection between human and artificial intelligence. He is full professor and Head of Research institute for contemporary technologies at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Natural science and mathematics.

Autor: Predrag Pale
Popis obavijesti



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